John Maurer is a 21-year-old writer/student working on getting his degree in Creative Writing at the University of Iowa. He writes poetry, fiction, and everything in-between, things that aren’t boring to read, hopefully. He has been previously published at The Foliate Oak. Reverse Synergy Crepuscular sadness at epochs in an epic that doesn't seem to embody the word. A raindrop is a tear to God, a flood to an ant, but an infinitesimally small detail in the setting of this story. Eyelids rise with the day and fall with the night to no end and with no end in sight. Upon the close if you look close enough everything can be found in seemingly nothing. If you’re a bull you don’t frequent china shops. Morgues are more your venue. Whether your lips are loose or sewn shut. You get mad. You scream at me. I remember that I exist. I run in place. I fall awake. Sleep is the dream I have. You are a freshly coined collection of morphemes, fresh off the mint of your falling breath. A neologism on the dark side of a glass prism. Newly transfused blood flowing through the heart. Blood cells with bars incarcerating words yet to meet their definitional soulmates. You are on the tip of my tongue but lost in my mind and never to be found. Destroy Me Gently Fry my brain in a skillet and serve it to me for breakfast Chop off my limbs and corsage them to my breast Tan my skin and make me into a jacket Wear me Call me expensive Follow me nowhere Scars on skin indicate landmarks For what am I but a map to getting lost? For what are you but a traveler adopting my baggage? I gargle razor blades as I speak You tell fortunes in your sleep Take me to the stake Burn me Inhale me Hang me like a Babylonic garden For when I cry my tears will turn to fruit Eat it God has yet to forbid my wisdom The Solid Foundation Of Rock Bottom Drop a bouquet of cut roses in a dumpster Grow a garden on the dreams sleep stopped giving you Self-administer shots that can only make you sicker Bring an infant’s casket to a baby shower Finance a divorce attorney’s mansion Never give anything your all; for you already have so little Do not return a smile, just make sure to save the receipt At your mother’s funeral, they can’t see you cry Even God makes mistakes, you are one of them Exist in a way that no one notices, especially your reflection Be the death of the party; better yet die at the party Become baptized in the very water you are drowning in You will not be a memory less bitter than honesty Never sing in the shower, water has known sounds more sonorous Don’t forget that being heartless also makes you light hearted You are nothing more than nothing