![]() Anoucheka Gangabissoon is a Primary School Educator in Mauritius. She writes poetry and short stories as hobby. She considers writing to be the meaning of her life as she has always been influenced by all the great writers and wishes to be, like them, immortalized in her words. Her works can be read on poetrysoup.com and she had also appeared in various literary magazines like SETU, Different Truths, Dissident Voice, In Between Hangovers Press, WISH Press, Tuck’s Magazine, Blue Mountain Review, among others. She has also been published in Duane’s Poetree and also in two anthologies for the Immagine and Poesia group. Her poems are often placed in free online contests My Dream BubbleIn between the many folds of my heart Lies a secret pathway Leading to my hideout My castle Surrounded by a moat inhabited by friendly crocodiles And mountains of candy! There is where I run to Each time I let go of my toils And dare to allow myself To unveil my deepest secrets! Yes, there, I wear dresses made of sparkling dust There, I allow Love to look at me with tenderness While nuzzling my neck and drowning me in kisses There, I become ageless and perfect There, I become a being so complete So engaged in bliss That the world as it is, the world and its hurdles Don’t scare me! In between the many folds of my heart Lies a place, a fortress Which I have dared to create! Pray, should you see not around Do worry not Know that I have left this reality To engage myself in my dream bubble! Truth I search! Why is it that the sun shines for us? Why is it that air breathes around for us? Why is it that the moon glows at night Allowing us to swoon over it? Why are there so cuddly and fuzzy animals For us to pat Why are there fragranced flowers For us to drown our gazes on? Pray, who are we? Humans, made of flesh and blood And with seemingly a power animating us? Who are we And who made us? Why are we loved to such an extent As to be allowed to enjoy the beauties of Earth? Pray, I refuse to follow blindly the path of others I refuse to be like those who conform I am made of quests I live to wonder of these, and of myself I live to see Truth And I know That somehow, someday Truth I shall see! Would it be? Is it too hard to have a mistake forgiven
Is it too hard to love when beauty is not matched Is it too hard to melt the ice away And be lost in an embrace? Why, being a woman compels me to forgive Being a woman compels me to understand Being a woman compels me to be grateful And to appreciate Whichever that may be, from efforts to kindness! But being a woman also naturally directs me to love After all, to forgive, to understand, to be grateful for and To appreciate does mean to love! Why, love, is such a tricky mirage Propelled by life and helped by Cupid It easily traps us in its grip And bids us to believe that it is real! Pray, like one lost in a desert The oasis beckons me Like one lost at sea The far away isle gives me hope Like one lost in a carnage The security of peace tugs at me! Pray, do I wonder then Is it all about being a woman?
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