Ajay Kumar is an undergraduate student based in Chennai, India. Poetry, for him, is an explosion of things he cannot say out loud. He was the editor of his school magazine- Abhivyanjana. His works have previously appeared in The Bangalore Review, Muse India and The Medley among others. AngulimaalI don’t know why I cover my nakedness with doors dressed in tantalizing ajarness, why the clock, when I punch through it, gets lodged on my wrist & when I try to shake it off makes me jerk off the air, orgasming in a breeze that ruffles nothing but the everything of me- never go into the river with wounds, fish will lick them healed & no one will ask you how you got those scars & you will not narrate the solar myth labor behind it- you won’t wake up with the nebulous idea of existence, wet cloth on your forehead, back of fingers feeling throat, palm in palm in palm, no touch to bridge energies- I don’t know why I wrote haikus under benches as if benches are for anything more than chewing gum punctuation & lunchboxes before lunch- appetite, when I lose it, will give way to digestion, of the smells of the lunchboxes of the benches still opened ahead of its time, by rusted words, that pinch of sugar, that pinch of fingers that wait on you swallowing a bitter herb when you woke up with the nebula. Fire medicine |