![]() Caleb Payne is a college student from Full Sail University who has lived in Maryville, Tennessee, since the day he was born and aspires to write for a living. While caring for his sick mother Caleb works part time as a receptionist with H&R Block and attends Full Sail University online for his undergraduate Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing for Entertainment. Caleb has received an award for excellence in English and was accepted into the Pre-college Upward Bound program, only offered to a handful of individuals in Tennessee. Art Heist “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” Ryan said, rubbing his mustache as he looked over his fake police uniform for any wrinkles. “How did I get dragged into doing this.” Ryan said to himself as he waited patiently for his partner to arrive. “You got dragged into this because you love to steal remember?” A deep voice said from around a corner. Ryan jumped in response to the sudden voice, his slender frame jerking upwards in fright. A tall lean body rounded the corner wearing a uniform that matched Ryan’s. “Dammit, Tim!” Ryan shouted, turning to face the tall man he had paired with to undertake this particular heist. “Why do you insist on always trying to scare me, when you know I’m already a bundle of nerves?” Ryan asked his friend as he dusted his uniform off, making sure that the clean cloth remained untarnished from dirt. “Well, I wouldn’t scare you so much if you just learned to relax.” Tim said as he threw his arm around his partner’s shoulders in a sign of friendliness. “How do you expect me to relax in this situation?” Ryan said, throwing Tim’s arm off him in annoyance, walking towards the wall of the art museum and leaning backwards. “If we mess up, we’ll be locked up for years.” Ryan said, rubbing the temples of his forehead to alleviate the oncoming head he felt building up. “You worry too much.” Tim said, coming up beside his friend and patting his arm to reassure him. “As long as we follow the plan nothing can go wrong.” Tim said, smiling at his sticky-fingered friend and lowering his hand from Ryan’s arm. “I hope you’re right, Tim.” Ryan said, looking down at the ground. The sun was beginning to set, signaling that the time to strike was quickly approaching for the two thieves. “Time to take care of business.” Ryan said, pushing himself off the wall of the museum. “Seems to indeed be about that time, my friend.” Tim said, walking past Ryan towards the bulky wooden door of the security guard’s station. As the two approached, an overwhelming sense of excitement and fear overtook them. Ryan’s body began to shake as though he was freezing to death, Tim could hear him whispering to himself, “be brave, just be brave.” “Don’t worry, we can do this.” Tim said, the two now standing in front of the large wooden door. Tim reached his hand out and knocked twice on the large door, the force of his knocks making the door vibrate under his fist. Tim glanced at his partner once more as he waited for the night guard to answer and for their plan to be set in motion. Tonight was the night that they would make the impossible happen, tonight was the night that they would become rich beyond their wildest dreams. They were going to steal the most valuable painting known to man and live their lives in comfort.
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