![]() Jason Orr is a current student at Full Sail University studying for his BA in Creative Writing. He was previously a Computer Maintenance Technician with the U.S. Air Force for six years. In this field, Mr. Orr was trained in building and maintaining a full telecommunications network to include cryptographic equipment with connections to the global network. Mr. Orr became an asset in several different maintenance fields, working exclusively with the E-3 AWACS Aircraft. He has experience working on macro and micro systems repair extending beyond the E-3 model and onto the newest designed models. Within this field, he was held to exceptional standards and was required to sustain a Top-Secret security clearance. Mr. Orr brings this same level of top performance to every project making him an indispensable work force. Week 3 I sat at the table playing with the soda can. The small room had only one large mirror, undoubtedly a two mirror. My spine shivered, triggering my instinct to fight. I sat there calm, waiting for an officer to come in and harass me. I had already been grilled once, but they all had their procedures. The door popped open with the now familiar clank of metal on metal. “How’s it going Frank?” The officer sat across from me, tossing his notepad and pencil onto the tabletop. “You haven’t been waiting long, have you?” “You know how long I’ve been here.” I wasn’t in the mood to play anymore games, I wanted to get back home to my own family. These long shifts had me missing dinner time with my family and the misses was not appreciating that. Before I could start telling the officer what happened he lifted his hand to cut me off. “Look this is just standard procedure, you know that. Just tell me what you told Officer Parks earlier and you’ll get back home to Janet.” “You know she’s been getting on my case since you guys started holding me for so long these past couple cases.” I let the statement linger a little. I was frustrated but I knew what his rebuttal would be. “Well bad guys must be caught, wouldn’t you say? We can’t let anyone go without being looked over.” The officer slid a picture across the table to me, while also placing a tape recorder on the table. It had a grainy look, but there was no mistaking that room. I twisted the picture around and studied it carefully, taking in each detail. The room had two beds, how I remembered them, professional made by the hotel staff. The balcony doors were slid open, curtains drawn to their most open. I can see myself sitting at the small table with the young woman, although it was hard to make out her face the outfit and posture was the same. “So, do you want me to start at the beginning?” I slid the picture back to the watchful officer. “Just give me the finer points. What was happening on that balcony between you and that young woman?” The officer left the picture sit between us. My eyes rested on the photo as I relayed the experience once more. It was still fresh from earlier that day, and they sure wouldn’t let me just forget it. “I have been working undercover for the past month playing as a gun-for-hire. Had a number floated out to a few contacts, they floated it by anyone in the market. This young woman,” I gestured to the photo once more, “payed me upfront at the door. I’m not sure if it was her first time committing a felony, but I played the role till she finally confirmed the target, her husband.” I grabbed the photo and flipped it to face the officer, “This photo would be the moment she gave me his name, and where to locate him. It took a little more prodding to get her to make a clear statement.” My eyes stared off past the officer into one of the corners of the room bringing up her words again, “She said something like, ‘I want him deader than our marriage’. I honestly had to keep from laughing at that one. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about killing their spouses, but that must have only been said in movies.” I smiled over at the officer, he didn’t seem to be enjoying the moment as much as I was. “So according to you, she paid you for the hit and was specific as to what physical state she wanted her husband in?” The officer pointed at the small cassette recorder he had slipped onto the table, “We have the recording, but just for our official records.” I gave a heavy sigh, he was as by the book as they could get. “Yes, Mrs. Perkins propositioned me, an undercover cop, to murder her husband and paid me for the work.” I dropped my hands heavy on the table, give those who listened a good surprise. The officer shrugged and picked up the recorder turning it off. “Well that should be good for the prosecution. You can go home now. I’m sure Janet is worried about you.” He stretched his arms and legs standing back to his full height. “Yeah, she’s gonna be pissed at me, and you know what?” I poked him playfully in the chest, “I’m gonna tell her that Jimmy wouldn’t let me go because of some stupid bullshit red tape.” The officer looked hurt for a second, “Tell her I’ll bring the next batch of fish I catch, fresh off the boat and just for her.” I gave him a slap on the shoulder, “Yeah I’ll let her know, good night.” I made my way out of the small room and through the rest of the building. I made a quick stop at my desk dropping off my drink and picking up my keys and badge.
7/15/2017 09:37:03 pm
Great work.
7/15/2017 09:55:21 pm
Well done. Anxious to read more of your work.
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