U-N-I-Verse I could feel the blood rushing to my head. The fear of falling out of my seat long subsided with the complacency of imminent death. The screams of those who shared my dilemma would have been defining if I’d not have fully embraced the shock. I mean, it’s not every day you’re trapped upside down on America's number one “thrill to send chills” Bahamut roller coaster. And yet, here I was. “Seriously, the cosmos never fails to surprise.” said the young woman sitting beside me. Unlike the others who had a legitimate reason to succumb to panic; she on the other hand was fairly optimistic. Her platinum locks covered her face, looking as if she could have been cast as a demonic apparition in a horror flick. Subsiding the aggravation, I had felt from her demeanor and given our not so glamourous position, I decided to respond. “How the hell can you be so optimistic right now!?!” I replied, swearing that it sounded less savage, in my brain. She simply smiled, or at least I think that’s what she was doing?? It was really hard to tell, with the platinum strands covering the descriptions of her face as it did. As if reading my thoughts, she began to tie her hair back. Showcasing a beauty that you’d see photoshopped on fashion magazines. Her skin was as dark as a nebula which added to her enchanting features. “How much do you know about metaphysics?” she asked with an inquisitive look. Looking at the situation at hand. I simply replied, “As much as I know on how long we’ll be stuck like this.” “Well, since we have nothing but time,” shifting her weight, she brought both of her thumbs in my vicinity. Please don’t fucking touch me. the thought flooded my brain. You see, normally, I would have fidgeted and made my exit. But, since that wasn't an option, I decided to just let her have it. Her right thumb, place in-between my eyebrows; while her left-- awkwardly shifted to my thorax. “What exactly is thi---” A crimson chain aggressively protruded from my chest. My breast jiggled with physics of something I’d seen from a recent fighting game. The ethereal chain spread around the area linking to the failed screams of the riders. My body convulsed in tiny shudders as if my brain was rewiring to the reality before me. It wasn’t long before I finally saw it. “Is—is this---the real world??” I said in awe of the spectacle before me. The sector in my range of view was enhanced with vibrant colors. The chains slightly pulsed in the same beat of what I could only assume was the heart of the universe. Harmonizing with each animate and inanimate object connected. Tears dripped from my forehead falling into the ether below me. “It’s overwhelming, right,” she said in a charming but flirtatious tone. “That’s how it was for me. Eventually, I accepted. Afterward, all of this felt second nature.” “Is that why you're so—tranquil? Why I'm tranquil?” she nodded in agreeance. “The cosmos seems to show the beauty in all the chaos. We, as humans have fallen off from our “enlightened’ state. So, the universe granted people like me to find certain individual's and ‘awaken’ their mindscape.” “Why did you ‘awaken--’” I asked. “-- You, because the universal flow brought me to you.” She replied, instantaneously blending into my sentence. “what universal--” “--Flow, is what connects living and non-living object into the Cosmic source. Meaning, it’s the map that binds our many routes together.” She said while moon-walking her fingers on one of the chains. “And that brought us together---” “--Because, that was the route I chose.” She replied. The more we talked the more my true conscience absorbed. To the point I could feel the chain react, as the park engineers and fire department finished their efforts in freeing us from the coaster. ****** Time became a faint memory as we engaged throughout the night, to days, to years, to eons. ****** We had conversed over many lifetimes, then the end of time to the beginning, middle end. ****** Beginning, Middle, End. ###### Begin, Mid, En...... END ****** MIDDLE ****** BEGINING ****** I could feel the blood rushing to my head. The Content of falling out of my seat long subsided with the Endless Journey of death. The Laughter of those who shared my dilemma would have been defining Now That I’ve fully embraced the shock. END Blinded Reality His molecules vibrated, with a velocity that would give a normal human being, cardiac arrest. As much as he wanted to let go, the painting said otherwise.
The plan was supposed to be simple. Obtain the security guard uniforms, occupy the staff with a massive blackout. Block the feed from the cameras and grab the painting. With each objective check from the list, the only thing left to do—grab the exorbitant work of art. Which they were successful in acquiring. The only thing left to do would be to cross their escape route. Jo and T' placed their hands onto the oddly euphoric piece. Instantaneously, like an acid-fueled surge, the world began to shift. Blending the molds of reality, into something--ethereal. Jo started to panic, trying his best to release his hands. Which would have been easy, if his fingers hadn't molded with the edges of the outer frame? "We're going to die, by a* fucking* painting!" Jo said, as his police top, disintegrated into the ether. His partner, on the other hand, was unphased. His chiseled jaw remained loose, as his face remained in a state of serenity. The outfits they'd *acquired* from the unfortunate security guards began to dissolve. Upon further inspection, Jo's connection to the light source un-hinged from the clothing. Severing his connection from them, terminated from both of their flesh. "The more you fight it," his partner said—blissfully aware in his nirvanic state. "The harder it'll be for your true self to survive." Jo was convinced this had to be some fucked up dream. All of this—could not be real; there was absolutely no possible way. "I shouldn't have agreed to this," Jo grunted between his teeth, struggling to retain a grasp of his fainting consciousness. To think, a week before all of this craziness, he'd contemplate suicide. It was not like his life had gone anywhere either—years of entrapping his feelings and racing thoughts, lead up to that moment. His eyes closed, the trigger cocked his finger, easing at the trigger. The vibrations of the coil, unwinding, pulsated the cold steel resting towards his throat, causing his body to convulse in with a tiny shiver. Close to the finish line, mind at a blank, the quiet of death was upon him, until the knock. ***** There was nothing, yet there was everything. The vibrancy of color would've blind-sided him, had he not assimilated to his *third* eye. A strange warmth encompassed him, guiding his feet through the *altered* realm. Something he never would have believed existed, if not for the cosmic current, which streamed through his mind --- telling him so. He'd already spent the first hour examining his transcended form. He—was now a She. Well—more of a--*them*… His partner had smiled, bearing its fangs in a manner of jest. The stripes on his fur shined a brilliant gold, contrasting the silver hair. His ears had twitched upon scoping Jo's new body. Their breast hung in the shape of a teardrop, with voluptuous curves, complementing their short stature. Though their hanging belly was still prevalent, Jo didn't seem to care. Their olive skin illuminated a natural glow as if the Heaven, shined upon them. For once, in Jo's life, they were complete. "So, a tiger? Jo said, scratching behind his partner's ears. His furry rectangles fluttered; his paws outstretched as he began to flip on his backside. "You can't be ser---" "Quite serious, actually," he said, chuffing with excitement. Jo chuckled at the groveling Tiger's acceptance of the situation that was before them. "How long have you known?" Jo said, stroking the Tiger's belly. The Tiger shifted to its feet, turning his attention to Jo. "Twelve years. And that's not counting the time it took to prep." "We just wore security uniforms…." "Which, we stole from the guards we chloroformed." The silver tiger replied. "Touché," Jo said. Posing in rhythmic stances, outstretching their limbs like a cover girl on Vogue magazine. "Are we stuck here for eternity?" Jo replied casually, finishing an astonishing final pose. The Tiger strutted forward, motioning Jo to hop on its back. Without question, Jo proceeded. "How can you be stuck in infinity, if you already live in the cycle of that moment? We're all guided through the many pathways of the universe. It's truly up to us to evolve our state of mind, accepting our world, unifying the *hive-consciousness*, in which we perceive as eternity," the Tiger said, picking up speed, trailing along the vibrant pathways of reality. "Humanity, the real heist is releasing the shackles--binding humanity!!" Jo replied. The Tiger chuckled, zooming past the water like a barrier, spreading open the center of the Meta-Nucleus, the source of universal flow, connecting all things—Living and non-living, in conjunction. "It's about time humanity woke up, don't you think?" The Tiger said, inching closer to the swirling black void, encompassed by seven cube-like objects, rotating at a blinding velocity. With a slight smirk, Jo leaned towards his companions' ears, patted its sides, whispering-- "Let's get weird."