![]() Basile Murray was born on July 17th,1995 in Philadelphia PA. He is a Marine Corps Veteran and served from July 2013 to September 2017. He is a fan of the Carolina Panthers, the Charlotte Hornets and the Philadelphia Phillies. He enjoys playing basketball, football, paintball and video games. He loves writing, traveling and listening to music. His favorite artist are Lil Uzi Vert and Trey Songz. He is the writer for the story Jade. CHECKMATEIt was a cold night in Charlotte as Jace and Wendy pull into the Days Inn.
“You sure you want to stop here babe?”, Jace says. “Yeah baby, this place is perfect.” “Okay, anything for you.” They get out the car and walk into the motel. The motel was empty except for the green furniture with flowers on it with wallpaper to match and one person behind the counter. “Welcome to Days inn, how can we assist you tonight?” “Me and my wife need a room for the night.” “Would you like a king, queen, or full-size bed?” “King,” says Wendy. “Okay, we have one, room 210. The price will be 75.99, how will you be paying and can I see your ID’s?” “Cash, and here you are,” Jace says. “Thank you.” He makes copies of the ID’s and gives Jace his change and room keys. “Here you go sir, and my brothers named Andrew and we have a Molly that works here.” Wendy smiles and says, “Yeah, our parents weren’t the most original.” “Well, I hope you enjoy your stay here.” They walk to their room. The door is light gray with about two or three dents in it, and a gold 210 on it. They go inside and see the room is just as bad as the hotel lobby. The wallpaper is a dark green color, while the carpet is brown. Light brown wood night stands with black lamps with no lamp shades. The bathroom has one towel and a small roll of toilet paper. The chair in the corner was green with flowers on it and the ceiling had water spots. “This is a shithole,” Jace says. Wendy laughs, “Its only for one night.” “I’m going to call Bishop.” He takes the prepaid phone out and dials a number. “Hello King.” “Bishop, are Knight, and Rook there?” “Yes, we are here.” “We are at the Days Inn on Sunset Rd, call this number when you get here.” “On our way.” He hangs up and lays there while Wendy is in the bathroom. “Babe, they are on the way, if anything feels off you know what to do,” Jace says. She walks out the bathroom and starts getting dressed. “I’m your ride or die.” “I know, that’s why I trust you my queen.” Forty-five minutes pass and there’s a knock at the door. They look at each other and he goes to open the door. “We’re here,” says Bishop. “Good, come in,” says Jace. He closes the door and looks at Wendy. She looks at him and says, “I’ll be back I need to use the bathroom.” “Okay, when she gets back, we will get to business.” She comes out the bathroom with two Glock 21’s pointed at Bishop, Knight and Rook. She hands one to Jace. “Here, King.” “Get on the ground,” says Jace. “What’s the meaning of this,” says Knight. “I never told you what room we were in,” says Jace. “We asked the front desk,” says Rook. “You don’t know my name,” says Jace. “They’re feds honey and you know what we do with them,” says Wendy as she pistol whips Knight. Knights grunts as it hits his jaw. He spits out blood and tooth on the floor. Bishop looks and them and says, “Okay, you figured it out but that doesn’t mean you’re getting away. What are you going to do just torture us?” Just then the door is kicked open and four FBI swat enter the room. “FBI put your hands up.” Jace and Wendy run and use the bed as cover. When the agents true to extract Bishop, Knight and Rook they shoot all of them. He walks up to them. “Too sloppy pigs.” “Fuck you,” says Bishop. He shoots Bishop, Knight and Rook in the head. “Let’s go baby” They then try to run out of the room to the car but are surrounded on both sides of the walkway. They shoot a few shots, run back into their room and close the door. “So, this is how it ends, in some shitty motel room,” says Jace. “We aren’t going down without a fight.” He grabs her and holds her. As he looks in her eyes and kisses her he says, “This is why I love you my queen.” Just then the door is blown open and six more agents enter. (Check) The firefight continued and Wendy and Jace shoot at the door killing and injuring the team. (Check) An agent gets bold and rushes them shooting at Jace and Wendy jumps in front of him taking the shoots in the chest. Jace shoots the guy as Wendy’s body hits the floor. “A queen always protects her king from pawns.” He holds her as she draws her last breath. With tears running down his face her grabs her gun and charges the door killing some, but gets fatally shot. He falls against the bed and then hits the floor. He looks at her face as he draws his last breath. An agent runs up and check their pulses. “Both targets are down I repeat the King and Queen are down. (Checkmate)
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