Jeffrey-Paul Horn was born in central New York and raised by his mother in the small town of Rome. He grew up an athlete with a keen interest in art. Eventually he briefly attended the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. Jeffrey maintained his interest in poetry since the age of 12 when he discovered the form as a coping mechanism. He was first published in Snuff Takers Ephemeris in 2014. Throughout his life Jeffrey has worn many hats and lived in many cities dotting the United States. In 2017 the Clairesongbirds publishing house was started after Laura Williams French and Heidi Nightingale discovered Horn and grew determined to give him as well as other deserving poets exposure. Jeffrey currently live a modest life in Syracuse NY. Poem 1I broke my old guitar To release its enchantment It's magic I destroyed it Right in front of you To feel the contentment Released into the open air Maple And mahogany Smashed all over linoleum tile My liaison to passion Now kindling for the fire That still burns inside of me I loved her But loved you more I wanted to learn her To a point of perfection So when I'd learned I could teach you the lessons She taught me I wanted to move you With wild folk symphonic marvel One divine day But Our love was sung In a sweet minor key That rang for the last time When I broke my old guitar And basked in only infamy The broken moment Of a broken man My broken dreams Scattered at your feet All this as I saw The twinkle In the eye Of a daughter For her father Disappear Poem 21 She danced on snowflakes in midnight skies And like snowflakes became only more beautiful on her journey from the heavens She was mixed in magic and dusted with destiny An angel So fair and fit for fancy as well as the regalia of royalty Her, made from ivory alabaster and clay Crafted in the mud of Valhalla and wrapped in sacred light to shine like diamond wine in a king's crystal goblet She is my greatest love Her, the one who could amass awe in the feircest foe or heal the most ailing hearts and bring them back from demise just as she's done for mine Her hug, the holds that could suspend me in astute childlike fantasy and take me away from dysphoria Her laughter, the sonet that could calm a wailing dragon And it's all awash in my memories now 2 This I write in a moment of gloom for I miss her marvels and her feats This I write in my time of agony Befuddled again without her, my greatest love, Olivia Poem 3Shadowboxing Naked In my shower fogged mirror Listening to Bukowski From my beaten and broken cell phone We despise the same kinds of people Me and him I wonder if he would despise me
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