1. The review will continue - even though it is not easy to keep up with everything, I have got really attached to it.
2. Right now, the ANNIVERSARY issue is live. Last years, we published one issue on January 16, and then, one piece every day. Now, I will publish a few pieces a day, although there might be days when nothing is published. I am sorry, but sometimes, I don't really have the time to publish anything. 3. I apologize for replying with delay to emails, but there are so many that I can't keep up. However, be assured, everyone will have a reply. 4. I have lots of request for reviews for books. From now on, because I can't read so many books (you know, full time job, family, my own writing, magazine, my own reading etc), I will review only certain books, after checking them on Amazon (or wherever the book is published). I will let you know if I want to do it. The reviews will be $ 25 (the price doesn't guarantee a favorable review, of course; however, I can guarantee that the review will be placed on Amazon (or the respective online shop), on Scarlet Leaf Review (I will create a special page for reviews) and on my blog, if you WANT IT. I will send you the review beforehand so that you could decide if you want it published. Of course, you would pay only if I accept to review the book. 5. Bad news - Treasure Chest turned out being a flop. Not even one person was interested in acquiring a copy. I feel bad for the authors who hoped more from it. Therefore, it will be discontinued. 6. Next print issue will appear at the end of January, beginning of February.
Dear Readers and Writers, The last issue of 2019 has just come out. It has been different than before, I know. Weebly has decided to post every single post, although the review wasn't ready yet. Eh, it happens. It might have raised a few brows, but what is important it's that the review is live. It's been a very long December and beginning of January for me - a lot of overtime and only a couple of days off. I couldn't have posted it sooner. I know that you have a lot of excellent articles to read, and I invite you to do so. Don't forget to look under categories for the name of an author and click on it. You will get to their post and enjoy it. All articles are under December, and the scroll-down menu shows poems, short stories, and nonfiction. However, before doing that, enjoy one of our poet's greeting for the just-passed holiday and the New Year that has just begun. SPECIAL TIME OF YEARIt’s that special time of year To return home and be very near To make amends and make all regrets disappear Waiting for loved ones to finally appear To be with those that are so dear So raise your glasses and let out a cheer Signing Christmas Carols for all to hear Waiting for the ball to drop and a New Year to Premiere To be with those you love and shed a tear To forgive and forget and let gladness reappear To resolve the past and start a new year TO ONE AND ALL MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR BobbyZ aka The JYD HAPPY NEW YEAR |
ISSN 2369-8446
To bring joy to readers everywhere. Archives
June 2023