Hello Dear Readers,
As most of the staff here, at Scarlet Leaf, are mostly Romanian, indulge us today. We’re celebrating 100 years from the moment when Transylvania came back to the country. The fight for the union of the Romanian people has had a long history and doesn’t seem to have ended even today. It started with Burebista, king of the Getae and Dacian tribes from 82/61 BC to 45/44 BC. He successfully unified the tribes of the Dacian kingdom, which comprised the area located between the Danube, Tisza, and Dniester rivers and modern day Romania. It didn’t last though. Another attempt to unify the Romanian territories took place at the end of the 16th century. Then, Michael the Brave united the three Romanian countries in 1600. Again, it was a short-lived event. The union died with Michael near Campia Turzii on August 9, 1601. At the end of the First World War, on December 1st 1918 – a century ago to the day, the Romanian people said yes to the union again, and finally, Transylvania knew the joy of becoming one with Romania. That is the event, we celebrate today – a century of union, although some territories left the body of the country in 1945, as a result of treaties signed at the end of the Second World War. So, dear friends, let’s celebrate this wonderful day with poems. Under the header of the Special Issue December, you can find poems in English or Romanian. Just click on what you want to read, and there you are. Don’t forget about the categories on the right of the page. Until then, a beautiful poem, unfortunately only in Romanian. The poetess, Carmen Tania Grigore, seized the meaning of the day with sharp accuracy. Centenarul unirii (acrostih) Cerul tricolor absoarbe Esențe izvorâte din inimi reîntregite Neamul românesc respiră Tradiții înmiresmate a dor E sărbătoarea sângelui Născut în același grai Adormit în același cântec Răstignit pe aceeași cruce Umăr lângă umăr neclintit hotar Luminat de jarul istoriei Umbre străbune străjuiesc Numele înveșnicit în cetăți Iureșul timpului aprinde Rugă înaltă în spațiul matern Iubirea de țară e flacără vie Iubirea de neam e crez moștenit Let me just say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ROMANIA AND ROMANIANS, WHEREVER YOU ARE! Nota Bene: the regular issue of the review will be soon live as well. Just give me time, please. There are about 100 pieces!!!
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ISSN 2369-8446
To bring joy to readers everywhere. Archives
June 2023