Peter Magliocco writes from Las Vegas, Nevada, where he's been active in the small press as writer, editor, and artist for several years. He has poetry in Oddball Magazine, Pulp Poets Press, I Am Not A Silent Poet, The Pangolin Review, Ariel Chart, and elsewhere. A multiple nominee for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net, his most recent poetry book is Poems for the Downtrodden Millennium, from The Medulla Review Publishing. Summer's Dance MojoI'm down for it, the flesh mojo striating the fast air's vision until it embellishes a face of infinite shade with our slow dancing petulant sway haunting byways beyond dormant weed. Ah grace, gone from my insouciant gaze your phone video catches in bumpy seconds an aberrant appearance disappearing tonight over the hallowed downtown city streets, sidewalks beaten by a million footsteps echoes the crying Vegas nightfall bearing voices of its unknown dead & living, who see the goldfinch in a neon eye, sweet bounty of the dealer's fast hand. I'm up for it, the lucent-talking bodies of blowsy showgirls drunk behind stages, the wend of lounge dancers heel-tapping my mind's feast of aborted loves & lingering rhythms of the starry night band drumming a newborn code for tripping around the lies of love's last gambit in the sere rosary of your skin's necklace caressed by the street prelates with horned fingers who strafe seeds now in our earth's shadow bloom Night ShadeSlogging through the Vegas nights when you're so sleepless & near burned-out as fresh bird crap on your soul-windshield hardening with each excruciating minute flitting over your mind's sundial when the dawn reveals only a black sun is not easy to do when you're hung-over. The night calls to your inner Dracula, kindles sparks of perverse evil for you to mull over on long coffee breaks tasteless as old reused Folger grounds. Nocturnal forces conspire to ruffle & fracture your sorry-ass poker vibes robbing you of the winner's good hand or the straight flush of ultimate victory. The Noir paints your eyes a black-out hue where color disappears in the last magic act, along with your energy gasp, free of charge in the paucity of your long night's desire eviscerating your reason like a bad tumor just as the mysterious serial killer buzzes your cell to congratulate you on being the lucky winner of your wife's remains now packed with veggies in his garage loo. The Cruciform Goblet I'm lost in it, watching throwbacks
of the wine spill defacing an immaculate white table cloth from my overturned goblet stolen, from a mosque, years ago. All hip acolytes should taste the last fallen, blotchy drops before yielding as softly the sky expands like a woman releasing you from sorrow, after you deny having cheated to some dubious, oversexed friend in the L.A. suburbs, circa 1960s. My house creaks with inert shadows for your eye to blackout on, though picturing the coolness no one abided there for long when the Manson murders took news precedence everywhere & truth pooled in horrific ways, fomenting paranoid convolutions of intricately ensnarled tendrils. Then, overnight your watchdog leaped into a void ripping-out veins branching from the body politic of the traumatized heart. I'm the only curator there now for hope in an eternal absentia with itself & my transfigured vision: It resembles a twisted cup spouting a messiah's message poured into eternity proclaiming the anti-Christ's long coming. And you, the married woman, I could lead easily astray yet with black magic's evil stride: paint your intoxicating vision with fleurs du mal & heartbreak posing as memes on your brow, branding the true beatitudes of hate in full-blown glory again onto your pouting Hollywood lips puckering -- so hotly in close-up -- around flesh of your dark redeemer.... Your text messages later say it all: That proverbial legacy of blood on our young consciences remains, & night flows seemingly without end, until its red-colored manna oozes fatally onto our crucified bones.
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