Mary Bone has been writing poetry since the age of twelve and has written two books of poetry. She is currently working on a third book. Her poems and short stories have appeared in over two hundred publications including online blogs. The most recent poetry acceptances are at Spillwords , Literary Yard and Scarlet Leaf Review. Word Whisperers Word Whisperers throughout the day Shout words also at night Over intercoms and loud speakers. Voices come at me From many directions. Ventriloquists are on street corners Playing mind games with passersby As they look over their shoulders And keep on walking. Earmuffs are always in my pocket. (Word Whisperers poem has appeared on Literary Yard Magazine) Glowing Embers I pounded bones on old hides-
Music to deaf ears A warning sound to surrounding tribes. Impending doom awaited warriors from Another village- Dare they get too close To glowing embers. The Sand Dunes of Summer I was caught in the sand dunes of summer When winter hit hard. Icicles were my earrings. While catching a wave, Seagulls flew overhead As the sun melted my frozen heart. Somehow, my thoughts are Still lost at sea.