![]() Ngozi Olivia Osuoha is a young Nigerian poet/ writer and a graduate of Estate Management. She has some experience in banking and broadcasting. She has published some works abroad in some foreign magazines in Ghana, Liberia, India and Canada, among others. She enjoys writing. DEAR EMBERDear September Welcome to my chamber And take your number, As you become my member Always remember To bring me divine hamper That nothing can tamper Because me, you must pamper. Dear October We are sober, There is a stopper He flies his chopper, There is a sniper He shoots the pauper, There is a robber He strangles the barber, There is a viper He poisons the tapper, There is a bomber He raids our border, There is a plumber He neglects our chamber, There is a piper He burns our paper, Come, shun our slumber And make us super. THIS CROOKFrom the look in his nook This crook can hook The moon by noon To boom the doom. So brood through the book And cook for the groom, Soon, give him the spoon And shoot the room. This cocoon brings gloom The loom in his tooth Destroys a booth. Not smooth with his loot Too rough in his boot, He took the broom To sweep the food, Use all the wood, And burn down the hood Because he can shoot. DEAR TEACHER Dear teacher
You were so able That you punched the bubble And made it wobble For me not to stumble, You were confident and stable That my pieces, you did couple You were so balanced like a table That you inscribed me on the marble, Dear teacher You are so great, a Noble. Dear teacher Picked me from cradle And lit up my candle, You held my handle For me not to tumble You built me a castle And boiled my kettle My colours, you did dribble And linked all the purple. Dear teacher You are neither small nor little So I pledge not to belittle Nor mess up your mantle, You are the bottle That I want to triple, For yours are the cattle That make the world dazzle.