Rite of PassageI choose this half-fisted-narrow-walkway. One day rolled hot into another until life was like a pile of melted living, A too quiet shaded moss on the side of town where everything else blared like the stuck horn on a junk-yard car. I listened to the cicadas call as they resented my eavesdropping, I wondered how they landed here in scattered trees that guarded broken sidewalks. One cannot help but notice the copy-cat-like wave in their message, pointless as a pail-of-chuckles. And learn, it’s better to be alone than follow any crowd. They exist like the people tucked in these old houses. A soundbite of songs passed from one generation to the next. In one phase or another of overcoming plastered expressions and stiff wings. A smile on their face and hope in a fetal position. All quiet on the kept-up-front. Where the air is thick and the drowning; easy. Here is where one learns the rude between raindrops and how To spell humble. I discovered it’s all right not to have all the answers. As my tears fell, I reached up to reminds myself; no matter where I stand, no matter how heavy the heart or chapped the hands, the sky is still the limit. MorningThere is something about morning that can cause new growth to show itself; new pain to throb freely. It allows tires to flatten into a pancake and blemishes to bold themselves from where they may have hidden, just hours before, in the not-yet-morning shadows. This still-waiting-place conceals all we would never want to wake up to. It is the fever blister surprise followed by an “Oh-no” frown’s crinkle. Two left feet in misstep that allows the hands on a clock to tick timely into “all thumbs.” Room Without WindowsA no-brainer of bumps and walls. To walk where darkness has led then bounce to its hard percussion. When one’s view Is claimed by the tar of blackness and moaning is no longer a rare language, how wide is empty? When faced with such a question, some become like zombies. Air is just a conduit to smell available flesh. An assistant in a hunters-state of pre-consumption. They reach out in both; fear-of and a desperation-to touch. The chase for contact Itself becomes survival. Soft memories of Merri-go-rounds fade down into dew drops. A room without windows can be like eyeglasses selected with black-out shades that cover the view. A room where one’s own hand closed a door, then found themselves on the trapped side of a lock. PareidoliaLovable ones, pray friendly and leave corners
to their chaos. You are not how some envisioned captors. There’s unfitting to fret over and loose dirt to stumble through. Like a child, hungry for knowledge and at war with the answers given. Remember, each step questions present patterns of formation. Be patient, determine to keep your laughter. Remain grateful there is ground to walk upon, however sharp the gravel. Slow punches can also reshape the world into a new structure. No matter how bruised this big blue circle, it will continue to spin. Regardless of the projections; faces that float and frowns frozen within steel, trust the filter of your heart’s internal eyes and release yourself from worry.