EG Ted Davis is a poet residing in Boise ID with work that has appeared in both online and print literary journals in both the US and the UK. To chooseAnd I stood on the corner of Erection and Redemption, and as a fool filled with folly... I promptly and proudly turned down Redemption. To be deceived-to be outspokenAnd to trust her to speak for such a great chamber, when sworn to overturn one man's greatness and gratitude to a beloved nation, in which he voluntarily set out to protect, and to rebuild, when the likes of hers' has destroyed such, by the very manipulation of the laws upon the congressional books- for their own secretive and selfish gains, and you believe that she speaks- as she states- for only a limited amount of time... only to hurl more ruin upon its citizens. The Leprosy CarriersThey pursued and attacked the
desert roaming Nomads, cursing them for the incurable leprosy. And the Nomads sang out, Never does He leave us, never does He forsake us. He is our helper, we shall not be afraid, for what can these mortal enemies do against us, slay our bodies- Yeh- but not our souls. And they continued- well ahead of their pursuers- as Nomads do, in a desert with so few oasis... and carried it they may, but immune they were... of the terrible leprosy.