Just A Jostling Villagethey live in a village far from the city of madness they have only ever been to the seaside next to the city twice but their lunacies and absurdities far outnumber those of ten crazy cities one can ever imagine they say they do not want to live in a city where police stations are robbed every day-- where marriage counsellors are in the habit of filing for divorce, where working is not working for many-- where flameproof fire stations have an appetite for burning down-- where purity is as clear as mud, where love is cash, poverty is worthy! where normalcy is as sweet as seeing pregnant virgins high on the pill! A Tale Of Abuses And Lies And RuinsWhen lying is pathological and pathetic Redemption is an inaccessible destination When the sanctity of life is an unsung song Whilst repression runs hell-ward on the guitar And women are raped by security personnel Detect the odor of disorder and damage there! When citizens are sacrificed and sliced into silence Alongside with the country and care and the constitution Know that such impunity is the hand of decay and doom Higher is Humanity because it cannot shed tears that are fluent In pampering and patting and sugarcoating wickedness and folly Deception dines with pride and lies and absurdities as if it has the licence To fool or ruin forever but such delusions cannot lull loving Justice into silence For such savagery typifies gross violations of human rights and civilisation itself That Too Shall Pass Or Be Tamedthe water rarely flew slowly, softly, sweetly or soothingly often the stones were rummaged and roughed and rolled on many a time they were hauled along, and if ever they shrieked no one heard them, or cared or the voice of the flowing water did what it did—danced and drowned their pleas and whispers now and then they were covered in sand, singing in silence pebbles were like positive people progressing and pleading in spite of lives ‘staircased’ with slippery dryness and soreness their bodies subject to disease, decay, decline and even death but the magnificence and resilience of their hopes roaring on the stream sang its way across the hills and anthills after a torrent the shrubs and grasses bustled with life, their smiles merry and exultant at night the lightning had leered at the village, sending shivers down its spine the wind had stalked and hissed through yards, driving sheets to gripe and grieve bullied by deadly droughts before ,the souls were set to thread the path of plenty Let Today Smooth Into A Ruddier Tomorrow he confided in me and confessed to you
that you added salt and herbs to his life on this earth he admitted that you added flavouring to his thoughts and dreams and made life spicy and worthy you once told me it was your wish to spice up his walk on this earth and crown him your happy hubby you ululated when he arrived your heart had wings that flapped without fail into your own realm you did because you turned his nightmares into reveries his frowns into oceanic smiles a king and a queen the two were there was a streamlet of grace and a rainfall of glee, go girl ! you were a fantastic twosome together you cruised & conquered with your love you climbed scenic peaks in you I caught the sweet music of a river its water flowing, crooning, coddling a tributary , a torrent, a watercourse when his happiness greeted your heart I caught sight of your salt and pepper in action—your oak of love seasoning that was my take, my reasoning then till he claimed you turned his dreams and thoughts---his walk into a horror! now you tell me he too turned your therapy into tragedy-- your walk into a wasted war! now who wants to be in the shoes of this shrink who is probing this puzzle till his head is a hairless horror itself?! part of me says :walk away from war girl yet another tells me to tell you: let today mellow into a rosier tomorrow