Brunetti Sparrows land nervously on backs of chairs . . . which they punctuate. Pigeons stroll unruffled between feet; seagulls peer from tops of umbrellas, certain there's no sling shot in this migrant Italian Melbourne suburb. Feathered dinosaurs: peckish-brave, cocksure. Diners wave them off! They barely shift, let alone exercise those miraculous wings. Crust of bread. Crumb of cake. Knowing how the system works, they're willing to put in the hours. I give 'em clean plates 'n dirty looks. Soft-headed woman to my right, Mama Teresa of Australia, feeds God's insatiable creatures, encourages uppity beggars who then expect something for nothing. I wear myself out for my pay which translates into scrumptious aperitivi then sweets with espresso. Melburnians of all backgrounds flock to Brunetti to sip, peck at panini, gobble up an array of desserts. We jostle to survey sugary delights within glass cases, place orders/pay then devour our fill, and more. Later, back in our suburban nests, we drink tap water, take a tablet, feel a bit guilty, sickish, fulfilled. Foto Sicily: Fashion Once-were-beauties and current volcanoes both fashionably smoke on their way to extinction. Passing Attractions One smallish, ragged, insubstantial
cloud, high above formidable remaining pieces of Greek temples near what is now called Agrigento, a bustling, filthy tourist town of this day’s Italian, not Greek Sicily. I view things from my temporary vantage point. What else? Valley of the Temples is not a valley in any terrain sense and defunct temples are crumbling, vandalised attractions some think more romantic by night, illuminated not by moon but, more dependable, spotlights. Little cloud, illuminated by sun, changes shape as it ages. Made-to-last temples take millennia to completely unmake, despite destructive invaders, relentless wind, rain, determined-to-have-last-word Nature. Cloud seems wistful, free as it floats through atmosphere as, I suppose, we all do from some distance. All barely here yet imagining precious raindrops or marble permanence, while absorbing rays from an indifferent star.