![]() Renee B. Drummond is a renown poetria and artist from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is the author of: The Power of the Pen, SOLD TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, Renee’s Poems with Wings are Words in Flight-I’ll Write Our Wrongs, and Renee’s Poems with Wings are Words in Flight. Her work is viewed on a global scale and solidifies her as a force to be reckoned with in the literary world of poetry. Renee’ is inspired by non-other than Dr. Maya Angelou, because of her, Renee’ posits “Still I write, I write, and I’ll write!” https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7djwy5mwby1p1e/DRUMMOND%20COMPLETE.mp4?dl=0 Facade We laugh cuddle an’ hug, we live to make love~~~ Then name call hurt, we cut, tear down each other’s worth then we laugh cuddle an’ hug we live to make love~~~ Then name call hurt, we cut, tear down each other’s worth. Then we laugh cuddle an’ hug we live to make love~~~ IT’S ALL A FAÇADE. Cause love don’t love us at all!!! Dedicated to: Your move. A B.A.D. Poem No part of this poem may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All Rights Reserved. Copyrighted material@ April 17, 2017. Double Dutch Bus Shoop de’ Shoop. ‘Dis’ ain’t no hula-hoop. It’s ‘dat’ double dutch rope. ‘Dat’ do what it do. ‘Talkin’ ‘bout’ ‘da’ loop de’ loop. Shoop. Shoop. Yeah, ‘IZ’ shook it to ‘da’ east. ‘IZ’ shook it to ‘da’ west. I shook my butt off on ‘dat’ double dutch bus! Shoop de’ Shoop. ‘Dis’ ain’t no hula-hoop. It’s ‘dat’ double dutch rope. ‘Dat’ do what it do. ‘Talkin’ ‘bout’ ‘da’ loop de’ loop. Shoop. Shoop. Nappy! Bald as can be; aint’ stopped ‘dis’ big bone neck, ashey black legs an brown crusted feets’ from doing the ‘dawg’ on ‘thang’. Shoop de’ shoop. ‘Dis’ ain’t no hula-hoop. It’s the double dutch rope. ‘Dat’ do what it do. ‘Talkin’ ‘bout’ ‘da’ loop de’ loop. Shoop. Shoop. Yeah i rolls my eyes and stomps’ ‘myze’ feets, cause in ‘DAT’ rope ‘dis’ dark sustah’s confidant ‘AZ’ can be. Shoop de’ shoop. ‘Dis’ ain’t no hula-hoop. It’s ‘dat’ double dutch rope. ‘Dat’ do what it do. ‘Talkin’ ‘bout’ ‘da’ loop de’ loop. Shoop. Shoop. Shoop. Shoop. Shoop. Shoop. Shoop. Shoop. ‘Dis’ ain’t no hula-hoop. Its ‘dat’ double dutch bus that do what it do. Dedicated to: 1, 2, 3, 4; get ready, jump in, an’ ‘ev’n’ ‘dat’ score. Shoop de’ shoop!!! A B.A.D. Poem No part of this poem may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All Rights Reserved. Copyrighted material@ April 14, 2017. Disgust I loathe that big bed, cause more slaves are made! I detest Massa an’ ‘WISH’ he was ‘DEAD’; instead! I despise Missy; she pretend she don’t ‘SEE’! I dislike her kids who ‘LOVE’ ‘MY’ chocolate breast and suckling ‘BEST’! I ‘HATE’ my ‘OWN’ kids cause they belong to him and not me! A B.A.D. Poem Dedicated to: Genetic connection! No part of this poem may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All Rights Reserved. Copyrighted material@ March 31, 2017. Citation (A Poet’s Haven Poetry Contest Challenge) I’ll write a poem for you; You write a poem for me. Back to back; quotations extract ‘summadat’ ‘BUTT’ remember to cite thee; PLEASE. Illustrations’ mention references; citation is key. I’ll write a poem for you; You write a poem for me. Son of citation will allow thee, to be or not to be; “A BAD Poem” if you please. Dedicated to: Drummond-Brown, R. (2017). A B.A.D. Poem. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse. A B.A.D. Poem No part of this poem may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All Rights Reserved. Copyrighted material@ April 27, 2017. Blood Stained Banner As I pierce the deep blue skies returning home questioning ‘not’ who? What? When? Where? Nor why? Shoeless ‘BUT’ got His favorite BLOOD STAINED DRESS ON! Some say it ain’t so but, if ‘He’ can walk on water to me, then through mustard seed faith an’ ‘sum’ belief; I too can gaze across the shore, calm the raging seas, keeping mine eyes fixed only on Him all the more. And ‘YES’ drown into ETERNITY. Dedicated to: At a ‘TREE’, at a tree (Acts 5:30); is where I first saw the light and the burdens of my heart were rolled away. Yeah, that’s where it ‘twas’~~~I received my sight!!! A B.A.D. Poem No part of this poem may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All Rights Reserved. Copyrighted material@ April 18, 2017. #666-666
She’s ‘po’ black trash to ‘sum’. While to other’s~~~ WELL~~~ you know the deal~~~ YEAH~~~ she’s the toast of the town; an’ ‘SUM’ ‘BIG’ ‘BIG’ ‘BIG’ fun. To EVERYONE’s; sons!! Downtown knows her by name WELL!!! Them other sides’ of the tracks; produce some of the same lames’ but, shhhhh…. Satan won’t, if you don’t TELL. This is that and that is this. But remember, shhhhhhhhhhhhhh~~~ some have a hissy fit ‘ov’r’ 666- 666. Games’ so weak ‘itsa’ ‘cryin’ shame. ‘Wazant’ for Eve; Ms. ‘Thang’ own ‘THAT’ blame game; just the same! Rest assure ‘sheza’ knock off Beyoncé ‘kinda’ dame. ‘Wit’ High dreams. Red stiletto heels. Ghetto facade fame; small minded scheme of thangs. A low reach~~~ minus the frills. A brick house ‘anna’ hard pill to swallow that is; when ‘ONLY’ she do what it do an’ make it rain. ‘Takin’ *ABSOLUTELY* no prisoners and *DEFINITELY* asking ‘NO’ LAST names! But, what’s ‘HER’ name? What’s her name? Get ‘ov’r’ it! An’ let her do her. Yeah she can be ‘ALL’ she can be; in her own make believe fantasies. #666-666 CAUGHT^ ‘inna’ web. SAVED BY GRACE^. ‘Dem’ UP-TOWN> ‘sadities’ ‘NEVA’ saw that ‘comin’ but keep reminding her; oh’ ‘dem’ strange monopoly games ONCE played; back in her hay-day of ‘thangs’. BUT GOD. ERASED ~~~~~~ #666-666 ~~~~~~ anyway. And called her ‘OUT’ by anew # ‘witha’ brand new claim to ‘HIS’ ‘kinda’ fame and ‘COMPLETELY’ changed her wicked wicked wicked ways. 777-777 replaced ‘dat’ game AND made her whole again. HER FATHER ‘SENT’ 666-666 on its way! SO, who are you; MS. SADITY (yeah ‘IZ’ said it) to have this inmate’s last say? MRS. UPPITY just SHUT UP!!! And let her do her and you do you an’ CHANGE your own concealed ways! did you forget??? ***NEWSFLASH*** ‘SUMMA’ US REMEMBER YOU TOO FROM BACK IN THE DAY,’ YEAH. DOWN THE WAY. SO, WATCH WHAT ‘cha’ SAY cause we hear not ‘LONG’ ago you too ‘wuz’ 666-666~~~ yesteryears. Just go somewhere, mind your business and while you at it CA$H OR SHALL WE SAY CAST YOUR OWN CARES! Dedicated to: He who is ‘WITHOUT’ sin; let him cast the first lie. A B.A.D. Poem No part of this poem may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without written permission from the author. All Rights Reserved. Copyrighted material@ May 1, 2017.
1 Comment
Chris Tabaka
6/15/2017 08:20:58 am
Wonderful, as always!
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