Habib Akewusola a poet in Nigeria STARTING WITH GOD God the spirit Angels are wind Man the disobedient slaves, Sun might get fed up of Lightning a new day Language knows all On earth, pay to dance on every noble floor Age seven began to record my flaws Family introduce headache And provides a cure. Friends betray every other day Not even a boring hug, I hear love is been sold at the mall, Skimpy gown, only to advertise a little more, Wife material Road side tailor comes proposing, She hiss and run Fly out to nowhere, Fishes still don't know net. MILK TAXI Welcome to the promise land Called milk gold. I have been standing by this Signpost, Putting on my best coat. White stones fall and cause Me cold, No milk taxi wants to pack my Load. One says I am made of coal Which would stain his cloth, I pick a leaf to clean my skin But, I see no coal. We have the same nose His is pointed like hose, Under the sun there's no Fixed home. Never will I reject your toast, We all are made of same bones.