![]() All I can do is write I cannot fix shelves or work in factories. I am not that person anymore, so that is why I write and continue to write and hope people get something from what I write. WEB The stationary long playing record spider web glistened in the sun. Not the wet of vinyl but the captures of the clouds and golden paint of the sun. you beauty I get the feeling you should tell paintings how beautiful the are even though they can't hear you it would be good if they knew someone was watching looking at them and it would be easier then to tell strangers of their beauty even if those women don't know I see it and it burns my heart that they are not being told enough. CHANCES I went to the doctor's with a bite on my leg she pulled the curtain and told me to jump up on the bed. For a split second I thought about taking my trousers off but kept them on and just rolled up my trouser leg. I couldn't help but think she was a little disappointed that I hadn't taken my trousers off. When we sat back down she started to touch my hand and then she asked me if there was anything else she could do for me. She certainly could but like always I kept my mouth shut and another chance passed me by. GO IN THE BUSHES We came out of Argos and went to the car. A family was getting out of their car. The girl about 12 or 13 starting pulling on her mother. Her mother pointed to the bushes. Like a train wreck or that person about to jump off the building you know what is coming but you can't turn away. She went into the bushes which didn't hide much. Within a few seconds you saw that porcelain white never seen the sunlight butt squat down. Me and her laughed. I even waited for her to finish then beckoned her across the road and she smiled at me and had no idea we had been watching her for the last 5 minutes. NOBODY TO WRITE HOME ABOUT Everyday I feel I am about two seconds away from insanity. Two seconds away from oblivion. When I talk to people which is rare I feel sure they think I am crazy either that or they ignore me or try to get rid of me as quick as possible. I don't blame them though who am I anyway nobody too important nobody to write home about. BLINDED BY THE LIGHT I think about getting a blind dog or one of those canes so I can wander around and when I get close to a woman I can grab them and get away with it. I guess it will only work so many times before I get arrested and then I would have to pretend to be blind and have to piss on the floor to make them believe me but I can only do that for so long. FUCK Today a woman asked me to touch her. "Look feel me, I am hot." She said. "I know you are hot. You are hot." I said. I didn't want to feel her I wanted to fuck her. BLACK WIDOW Dance your fingers over my chest then drive them through the un-pubic hair like a child pushing sand leaning in with all their weight on those spread fingers give me those hungry eyes devour me like you have never seen a man before never turn away not even in sleep lick my face and beard like a dog vice me with your thighs mount me like a horse ride me like a buckaroo and one last thing be gentle with my little tender heart. LOVE As I sleep, touch your fingertips along my fingers and arms like a pianist for whom the music has stopped. Or even the air between and slight a gentle wave upon the quiet sea. Rest your cupped hand upon my bent head feel the pulses of love come from inside like a lighthouse searching the sea and feel how much I want to love you you and the whole world. Let me love you if only just for a bit. CRABS I told her once as she placed her hand upon me in bed. Only in my head of course. I couldn't dare to speak the truth only to think it. I was sure she knew anyway and didn't want to know. After all we were like two crabs with our pincers stuck into each other unable to prise ourselves apart. Two bulls with our horns locked A woman told me the other day crabs mate for life, wait, no, maybe it was something else. ANGEL There is an angel at my front door I don't see him but I know he is there . He is like a bouncer he turns away all the undesirables. Sits on a pink deckchair and waits He smokes a big cigar and has has a few slugs of whisky from the bottle he hides in the bushes only when nobody is looking. He fans his wings out in a massive y when young ladies walk by. He dances sometimes at night when everybody is asleep. Other times he just stares up at the stars and wonders where his next job will be. Hopefully it will be an easier job next time. There is an angel at my front door. I Don't .......................................................... BLIND MAN'S BLUFF I saw a woman with a blind dog waiting to get on the tube. As I passed her I winked at her. She did not wink back but she saw me. Maybe it was the dog who was blind or maybe she hoped she was. A CHEEKY ONE As we sat in Nandos a woman got a drink from the machine then she stopped and let out a big fart but like a magician pulling handkerchiefs from a hat it went on and on. The man getting some drinks started to raise his eyebrows then it came to an end and she walked off. I burst out laughing but nobody knew why. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS The beggar sits there everyday like Socrates at the city gate. I want to shout at him "Hey you this is not ancient Greece, why don't you go home?" I am home, he might say. If that is right he has the biggest home in the world and not only that it is free. ON AND ON How is it possible to stop existing to even think of it and besides who will turn the lights out when we leave who will upset the neighbours who will insult the wife. No I must go on. SALMON I felt like asking her if she ever got tired tired of trying to swim upstream all the time. Why don't you for once turn around and let the river take you where it wants you to go for a change. WRONG FLOOR I pressed the button for the lift it came down but the door didn't open so I started to bang on it like a front door The doors opened and the people started to laugh as I walked in "Did anybody hear knocking?" I asked they must of thought I was drunk at 1 in the afternoon. BEAR There is a photo of me holding up a bear in front of the hermitage on the wall. There are thirty of my paintings in this room alone. I talk to dead people here in this room too. I know there is a magic in life and you should not care about any of it. I keep thinking as I lay here I am a all or nothing kind of guy and I prefer nothing. The time is coming as sure as the clouds when I will have to go out into the world again who knows what I will find.