Nehemiah Avant was born in San Jose, CA in 2000. Since then he has lived Santa Cruz, CA for most of his life. Moving back to San Jose, he is pursuing his a bachelor's degree in the medical field. He is an avid baker and reader. He goes about trying to find new art to create. Down for the arts, he hopes you enjoy. Sandman’s Dilemma My wonderful seeds have spawned anew! But why do I feel so blue? My seed—Media! My Media’s shine has drawn the masses close! My sprinkle of memes and anecdotes have made them weak. To even the strongest, the most bleak. I’ve ensured many blows. So when I strip them of their eyes, Why is it that I find no pleasure…? In their demise? Have I changed? It must be! There… There… There must Be something wrong with me! Have I made myself so? That I now must now go with this flow? That I no longer take them for my children’s feast, But instead to water and feed my newly sprouted seed… A creation of something most wrong, and out of my hands! My Media has become a beast! Oh well, Oh well I must go on My children still are hungry, so I must be off! But don’t worry I’ll always be close! If ever you find yourself unable to tear your eyes from my precious Media in the dead of night My Monstrous creation. Then think of me till the count of three! There’ll I’ll be waiting for thee! One… Two… Thr… Reconciliation of ‘us’ |