Lines I cannot touch you enough before it is time to go. This cannot be what love is; rash, sudden, complete. The world, not faint and tainted my view consistently: you. I live with the awareness of her in me. Does all of this intend to break Or mend an unbendable soul? The difference in having daughters Linda chuckled when I returned
her call, explaining I’d missed hers – “getting fitted for a crown.” Immersed in princess and castles, her assumption was not for tooth, but head. The world of sons is different – matchbox cars and airplanes dinosaurs and wrestling. I bought them babies once, and for a time they stayed tucked tight in strollers, paraded from living room to kitchen and back. Until they discovered the cacophony of sounds made in baby stroller collisions on newly mopped floors. Mermaids used to visit bathtimes and weekly, they’d plead for matching toe nail polish to mine. But roles engendered at playdates and daycare Are too ensconced to be unlearned. So princesses wait in far off towers At Linda’s house, while demolition derbies frequent mine. and the only crown in ours is the one between my molars.