Anoucheka Gangabissoon is a Primary School Educator in Mauritius. She writes poetry and short stories as hobby. She considers writing to be the meaning of her life as she has always been influenced by all the great writers and wishes to be, like them, immortalized in her words. Her works can be read on and she had also appeared in various literary magazines like SETU, Different Truths, Dissident Voice. She has also been published in Duane’s Poetree and also in an anthology for the Immagine and Poesia group. Her poems are often placed in free online contests.
My quests from this world I seek, from this world, Truth I seek, from this world, inner bliss I seek, from this world, an escape I seek, from this world, understanding! Is it too much to ask for Pray, of life and its meaning None can give a clear answer Yet, All claim to be in love with its mystery All do take the pains to smile And welcome every situation As if it were a great blessing! As for me, I have spun, around my consciousness A web A web through which this world's lies Can creep not in A web which has me dreaming always Of what shall there be after! So much That, The world itself would deem me antisocial The world itself would deem me misanthropic! Life is for me, a ride down a river Of course, the flow changes from time to time From tranquil, the waters do become violent And of course, the river shall merge with the sea And that shall be when my soul's suffering will be appeased That shall be when my quests shall be given their answers! The game of life Life is a passing cloud It takes birth Blooms, allows everyone to admire it And fades out As if it were controlled by a gamer! Someone sitting and choosing the outcomes Someone sitting and propelling, us, The children of life, forward! Why, being mere children Our vision is so limited So much that we cannot even pierce through life's veil To have a glance at the gamer! Pray, like the cloud We shall all meet with our root! Pray, we merely need patience Patience and firm convictions! Reborn I am a mess I am a pile of shattered glass I am a lot of torn letters I am a doll broken into pieces I am the embers of burnt out wood I am, though Through faith and the mysteries of the skies, Reconstructed Having been willed a rebirth Resurrected And reassembled! Why, my world spins around myself In there, life is ruled not by societal rules In there, life is as I want it to be A party in a fully blossomed garden A laugh echoing along the walls of never ending mountains A freshly blossomed flower in Spring A clear pond in which fish lives carefree and safe Yes, and around my world, I have built a fortress None shall break me again! Pray, Should you wish to be have a glance at my world Why You would meet with my fiercest side Mind you Should you not meet up with the aptitudes I shall slay you!