![]() Drawing from experience playing in dirty punk bands around Sydney, living in a European homeless shelter, squatting in derelict office buildings across London, adventures into the Himalayan mountains and the Sahara Desert, and ongoing escapades; N.Blood is arranging and rearranging words for your pleasure. N.Blood is Poet, Flash Fictionist, Neo-journalist and a twisted form of modern essayist. https://www.facebook.com/NBloodWriting Forever Combustible Bathed in rays so bright They burn your dark lip-rings and your hair Melts into malted tatters At the feet of the quay ferries that used to pass Denison now blind and butchered So incoherently used up that the world Cannot comprehend And your homeless Ambiguity makes all beasts randy And your ears as hoped up As warp-speed starships Leak attitude And the place you occupy can't stand your vile Irritation But someone loves you, like a flu that will not quit Like an eye watering sting As flies engulf your face Filth and cow shit happy Your endlessness stinks of rotten seventies goth Before goth was rancid And forgotten As everything will be forgotten Over and over again And again and again... Life of Codes Secret codes bathed Deep within the words Hints at humanity Cryptic dots and strikes lace Lines of interpretation Suffocating fragmented misunderstanding Toward dawn and all That is therefore awakened A letter to an old friend To begin- My mother said That- Your mother said That you had a rough night in Spain... I would like to express a deep consternation For the safe keepings of your soul and that of your wellbeing. You can never be ~TOO~ careful In reckless diligence Whilst gallivanting Keep your eyes peeled As if they are ripened oranges, For there ARE ------------FUCKING VULTURES------------ everywhere... Fucking Carnivorous flying beasts poised to strip you of rotting flesh, with phantom bones and tusks and razor whiskers of daylight horrors Protruding from silent beauty Lust, Lush With breast of the most incredible copulations Seething to counterbalance wretched Monetary systems Structured so vastly So indestructible With pure goals Of strict wealth displacement, Prisoning them in holding patterns. Action Welcome Chaplin and Chan And Godzilla or king Kong, -Not only with distrust But circumferenced (by)or circumferencing all that may Swoop or dive, (remember even Leroy Brown had a soft side) And you too may learn to fly. Home will always represent Warm safe things Even on the coldest nights But the lacerations From hacking fingers violently from feeble hands Will never hold Such viral Infectious Joy as risk Taken so mindlessly light-hearted as they do whilst drowning.