![]() Mbizo Chirasha is a Creative Communities Expert, Opinion maker/ Contributing Writer/Columnist{World Pulse/www.worldpulse.com/mbizo chirasha,Bulawayo 24 news.com/www.bulawayo24.com/mbizochirasha}, Blogging Publisher/Writer/Editor, an internationally acclaimed Performance poet, Creative /Literary Projects Specialist, Mbizo Chirasha is the Resident Coordinator of 100 Thousand Poets for Change-Global in Zimbabwe. He is also the Advisory Council Member of ShunguNaMutitima International Film Festival in Zambia, an Advocate of Girl Child Voices and Literacy Development .He is the Founder and Projects Curator of a multiple Community, Literary, and Grassroots Projects including Girl Child Creativity Project, Girl Child Voices Fiesta, Urban Colleges Writers Prize, and Young Writers Caravan. Mbizo Chirasha has worked with NGOS and other institutions as an Interventionist [using creative arts as models of community education, information dissemination and dialogue].The interventions include HIV/AIDS Branding Project [Social Family Health Namibia 2009 - 2010], HIV/AIDs Nutrition Project [Catholic Relief Services 2006] , Arts for Drought Mitigation[Swedish Cooperative Centre2006] He is widely published in more than Hundred Journals, Magazines, and Anthologies around the world. He Co-edited Silent Voices Tribute to Achebe Poetry Anthology , Nigeria and the Breaking Silence Poetry anthology,Ghana.His Poetry collections include Good Morning President ,Diaspora Publishers , 2011 , United Kingdom and Whispering Woes of Ganges and Zambezi,Cyberwit Press ,India ,2010. He was the Poet-in-Residence from 2001-2004 for the Iranian embassy/UN Dialogue among Civilizations Project; Focal Poet for the United Nations Information Centre from 2001-2008; Convener/Event Consultant This Africa Poetry Night 2004 - 2006; Official Performance Poet Zimbabwe International Travel Expo in 2007; Poet in Residence of the International Conference of African Culture and Development/ ICACD 2009; and Official Poet Sadc Poetry Festival, Namibia 2009.In 2010 Chirasha was invited as an Official Poet in Residence of ISOLA Conference in Kenya. In 2003 Mbizo Chirasha was a Special Young Literary Arts Delegate of Zimbabwe International Book Fair to the Goteborg International Book Fair in Sweden. He performed at Sida/African Pavilion, Nordic African Institute and Swedish Writers Union. In 2006 was invited to be the only Poet /Artist in Residence at Atelier Art School in Alexandra Egypt. In 2009 was a Special participating Delegate representing Zebra Publishing House at the UNESCO Photo –Novel Writing Project in Tanzania, Mbizo Chirasha also work as a Performing Poet for Educational, Diplomatic, International, National, Media and Cooperate organizations .He also works as a Proof Reader/Editor , Poet /Writer in Residences for Institutions , Media Relations Strategist for projects, GirlChildVoices /Talent Advocate, Literacy Development Activist and Creative/Literary Projects Advisor/Specialist. Credentials Member - Zimbabwe Writers Association Member- Creative Writing Group Zimbabwe Member of the Jury- International Images Film Festival Resident Coordinator- 100 Thousand Poets for Change Global Contributor – Stellenbosch University Literary Project/Slip net Member /Contributor- World Pulse Graduate- Chitaqua Reading Project/US Embassy ,Certified social media practitioner-Young Nation/ US Embassy, Prize winner Aids out of Africa Project- United States, Founder- Creative/Literary and Girl child Projects Producer/Curator- Girl child Voices Fiesta Member/Mentor- Writers International Zimbabwe, Mentor- Zim talent Hunt, Former Volunteer Poet in Residence- United States Embassy, Harare. I Am a Revolution Tongues of their guns kissed the bottoms of our country walls Sand of corruption sedimented our banking malls Bishops munching rainbow chicken bones, singing political verses violence is a black disease racism is a white disease xenophobia is epidemic blood spilling is endemic dissidents studying theology eunuchs graduating criminology Afghanistan, earthquake of religions Pakistan, volcano of political legions Corruption natural lotion applied in armpits heavy weights extortion Vaseline shining on thighs on high offices I am not revenging freedom of expression I am bubbling with freedom of expression I am constitution of word identity I am poetry butter and bread I see children blinded by propaganda peri peri I see blinded nations they ate the last supper jo’burg their departure never came, even when the rainbow sun rose I am in the drama of the state my temper of dignity rise and sink my children drank the apartheid poison I am diagnosing them with freedom passion I am tired of academics who loot and intellectuals who shoot Luther is my tight comrade I am a cheerleader I am an African phonologist I was born from African sound I am renaissance home bound propaganda is the jingle of peasants verdict is the slogan of exiled I am a brand of poetic tomatoes I am diving in trees of political apples doubtful metaphors still dance out night in the glory of African sun barometer of poverty boxed by Khoisan rainbow streets bling with ghettos so what the fuss, motorcades no longer drive, village dust highways rhythm of rainbow eaten by dogs blood rhymes of freedom born frees sucked by bed bugs daughters depleted by social anorexia babies whipped by cultural diarrhoea we are suffering from freedom malnutrition. FREEDOM DISCORD i sing for bridges too far to be crossed in Zambezia i sing of freedom planted too far to harvested in Katanga i sing of blood graffiti written on Aids peeled walls of Soweto good morning Tanzania good morning Ethiopia good morning Liberia good morning kiberia freedom mothers domesticated into birth giving machines beautiful sisters cultured into money guzzling slot machines children whipped by whirlwinds of diarrhoea and shigella sing salif keta sing masekela sing fodoba sing fela kuti sing makeba sing s sokon kante sing songs of tata Mandela sing songs of mama and baba human dignity is the fresh milk from the strong breasts of mothers behind the hills of home human dignity is the blood that bubble in the conscience of my system .good morning Vietnam good morning Guantanamo bay good morning Africa good morning president good morning Zimbabwe children will not go down with the sinking sun sacrificed on altars of ambition crucified buy forces of expediency tear graffiti scrawling on debris of their slums of poverty and hovels of crime we are children born out of the hot sun of Sahara and burning sands of Kalahari we belong to the semen and condom drunk streets of home womb of our past explode with souls of martyrs and bones of freedomites choked by ropes of stigmatization we are morphine -fuelled and marijuana doped youngsters whose praise and freedom is robbed by slogan fraudsters we are dogs breakfasting from cucumbers and feasting condoms for supper children of pandemic genocided villages slaves of sugar and blood never fondled the breasts of freedom licked the tears of our mothers have no dignity to celebrate we are souls blighted in sufferings bring us nanobitas of democracy not shigellas of autocracy. POLITICAL THEATRE ghettos sitting on burning compost sites political bed hoppers rubbing their noses in diplomatic shit justice taught to eagles in trees slogan fraudsters get praise from morphine fuelled youth and marijuana doped youngsters dissidents reaping blood dollars from corruption stinking banking malls who then belong to the dustbin of mythology and history the klu klux klun, Nazi bilbergs , swastika , Gestapo , mulatto ,gook , muntu , nigger racism is a poisoned well of our dignity tribalism is pandemic soiling our humanity imams burning American flags mullahs burning Baptist bibles mafia rubbing blood on robes empress nagako and emperor , horopito , boarding the political train of the grey beards with chancellor of oxford, the duke of con naught,the prince of Monaco through the forbidden city of Tiananmen to the skanda vale slums singing tunes of archbishop of chicherle at the Highgate of ritual ceremony in memories of yokozuna and plato writing epitaphs of long gone warriors and martyrs with Madame de mote ville and the mafia laureate lalilata writing memoirs of napoleon and Kaiser William i sing oF deradicalization of jihadists in jungles of reberalta and home town of Jeolla painting election vases crimson red one day Hindu saint's and Anglican vicars will share the tubs of conscience pontiffs and mullahs swig juices of decency rabbis and ayatollahs burning frankincense who killed Saddam and Vietnam who hanged Afghanistan and Slobodan heroes will rise from ashes of panama warriors will rise from the dust of Jamaica bring them the decent hamburger of power bring them the decent sandwich of freedom. Dear commissar dear commissar my poetry is political baboons puffing wind of vendetta splashes of sweet flowing buttock valleys of pay less city labourers rough crackling red clay of sanctions smashing poverty corrupted face of my village presidential t shirt tearing across bellies of street hustlers mute bitter laughter of political forests after the falling of political lemon trees dear commissar my poetry is foot signatures of struggle mothers and green horns bewitched by one party state cocaine new slogan hustlers boozing promises after herbal tea of change rhetoric street nostrils dripping stink and garbage tears chiselling rocky breasts of mothers who lost wombs in the charcoal of recount dear commissar my poetry is rhythm of peasant drums dancing the new gimmick unknowingly political jugglers eating voter drumsticks after another ballot loot.
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