![]() Wayne F. Burke's poetry has appeared in a variety of publications (including Scarlet Leaf Review). His three published poetry collections, all from Bareback Press, are WORDS THAT BURN, DICKHEAD, and KNUCKLE SANDWICHES. His chapbook PADDY WAGON is published by Epic Rites Press. He lives in Vermont. Quebec The Schwartz brothers owned the Sporting Goods store where Grandma did business even though they were Jews and Jews were no good because Grandma said they were not modest (were not allowed on the beach in Quebec where she lived as a girl there was a sign NO JEWS) but the Schwartzie's sold good stuff plus they liked Grandma because she paid all her bills on time, sent them out as soon as they arrived; one of the brothers was dour as an undertaker unsmiling with a blue closely shaven face the other, bald one, made wise cracks out the side of his mouth the side his cigar was not plugged into; I liked the wise guy best and did not care if he was Jew or what I liked the smell of the leather of the ball gloves and the rubber of the bicycle tires and the fumes of the stogie too. Feed on nights she forgets to feed me I go into her bedroom and slap her face until she awakes some nights even after she wakes she rolls over and goes back to sleep on those nights I head-butt her until she gets up, the dirty slut. Some nights, though awake she falls asleep again at the table in which case I rub my parts against her and give her little licks and if that does not do the trick I bite the bitch which usually works gets her moving to put food on a plate and the plate on the floor where I can reach it, and then the lovely girl returns to bed where I will join her later. The Brown Chair my ass sinks to the floor in this chair I have sat in for years, slept in for weeks, a horrible brown and stained chair worth $10 dollars at a lawn sale maybe less but priceless to me I miss it whenever I am long gone, too busy to sit; I have gone to Africa in this chair have fought the 2nd World War over again in this chair tried to have sex with a girl in this chair; I wonder if I will die in this chair, should probably get up and out of this chair, go and sit somewhere else or stand maybe walk around go somewhere I cannot get to by chair, wherever that is. Piels my beer was Piel's Real Big-Mouth Draft the bottles shaped like hand grenades the opening a half-dollar sized hole like a little pond I could take a dip in to cool off or swim across or float on my back but it always seemed that by the end of the night I was face down. Lights We got stopped by cops in a show of blue light and a cop told my cousin “step out of the car” and made him walk a straight line touch his toes then his nose and my cousin, as shit-faced as he was, somehow passed the tests and we drove off to the club where we picked-up two girls and then drove up to the mountain top with them and parked; the wind howled around the car non-stop the lights of the town dully glowed in the valley below; my cousin and his girl went for a walk. My girl had bow-legs and a pigtail; she unzipped my pants then pulled hers off then straddled me as I lay back, then she sat and guided me inside of her and moved up and down and lifted off just as I shot and the wind wailed and the car rocked and down below the lights winked on & off.