Husain Abdulhay has poems published in Alban Lake Publishing, Avocet, Cacti Fur, Fib Review, Foliate Oak, Jellyfish Whispers, Quail Bell Magazine and Ygdrasil. His haiku appears in Failed Haiku, Haikuniverse, Pkankmaton, and Wales Haiku Journal, likewise. Cri de coeurThe gardener is as if eons falling into asleep and the welkin aloft seems to be corking his lugholes hard deaf lest should be roiled by the caterwaul of woebegone wind who’s bewailing inanition of echard-girt vineyard and desiccation of petunias by niveous wayside imbricating the orchard’s bedraggled vennels, where whimsical wayfarers wander ere long and beguile some of time at bacchanalian intervals, a gemütlich nook for swains to cuddle tight their inamoratas who indulge in pecking unbidden the rathe blossoms, tear off petals in confetti and furbelow their footpaths, and, mesmeric, go after vinedressers to top their chalices up, haunted by phantasm of sanguine orgulous wunderkind, whilst nescient of achromatic rigor mortis aftermath. howbeit, their crescendo cadence is lullaby to gallant gleeful grapes whose orbs, anon, are to haply be riven by aquiline trenchant talons, so savoring solemnly serenade soiree sprees, or be plucked for smarming cloying caducous coquettes Je ne sais quoiIn far afield where the eagle-eyed even could not afford to behold and the sky loses his height to plight his troth with the infecund terra firma who’s deprived of any shoulder to be leant on and worse is endued with a sordid soul solely savoring solitude that, on and off, insinuates with some cocktail to cuddle her tight I shore a tenebrous tepee up to steer you home aright where neither any quadruped or bipedal fauna nor any mellow birdsong to solace you is found, and waltz pas de deux beneath moonlight just like in our wedding ceremony when, till cockcrow, we riffled through the stellar catalogue and whispered prothalamium sotto voce lest sun should be roused and not even once we ever thought of anything that could beget us asunder or befallen forsaken under weight of this wigwam my eyes are fixed on tepid dusk to hail you with manna to tilt aside my tear-soaked mantilla before it’s too late to be able to prop it any longer upright A rose in wintertimelike a dandelion sitting astride a snowdrop
genuflecting to the ground caress me with great tenderness then gee me up to ride tantivy like an equestrian knight errant carrying an oriflamme faring forth in the dark neath the vault of heaven and groom in the sun mayhap she happens to be jealous making her crave a cuddle like a foster-mater to a waif hugging knees in thoroughfare who is going to be beckoned
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