Eye Slow DownSlow down the eye, Bid it slow down - Slow to dismiss, Slow to throw a mere glance. But see like you're Peering past the sea's surface - Past its raging white noise And undulating dance. Use your eye fingers To pull back this sea curtain, Past its stage of threatrics and Past this membrane of Your familiar universe To this other stupendous Web of a gallery teeming with The ingenuities of life. Be prepared to be diminished, To see just how mote-sized you're Face to face with bulk-sized wonders; See how your weight is tied to theirs And theirs to yours. Sunflower PartyAs we unfurl our golden manes To the sun, The bees hasten To accept our invitations, Creating the much needed buzz For this summer's party. Alighting on the reception pads, The bees are served their drinks - Free flow on the house Which they dip thirstily With their long tongues, All the while humming, "You're the bee's knees! You're the bee's knees!" A mutual intoxication - We by their flattery And they by our Signature concoction. To keep the party rolling, Our sugary larders Labour unflaggingly To fulfill the demand And ties of goodwill, Adhering to the maxim: A satisfied customer Is a returning customer. However much we may relish Our share of dazzle in the sun, All fanfare culminates with this: The bees in their guzzling ecstasies From pad to pad have graciously Accomodated the hitchhikers - Our masculine specks arriving At their destinies safe and snug, Sealing next season's bright prospects. In no time, these reception pads Would have to make way For nursery needs; Hundreds of thousands Minuscule chambers each cradling A kernel of hope And the bees, They too would have Turned in lavish accounts Of field performances At their respective headquarters. Not that we like to boast - If only the human economy Operates more often with our kind Of sensibilities. The Peepal Tree (Ficus Religiosa)Offers no fragrant blooms At your feet But hearts aplenty - A carpet of them if you care To sit and contemplate. A centenarian many times over, Stoical witness to the Vainglorious exploits Of kingdoms and their Sharp vicissitudes; Tangled roots serpentine, Cradle in them Bygone ruins and relics: Here a mutilated sacred Sandstone head sculpture And there a bathtub-sized Dynasty remnant of a fortress's Brick wall. More than arboreal, A hands-on historian - Forget-you-not it murmurs. Roots gripping roots Lest we lose our way. Again. CoastalHe's sucked into one of
His cyclical wanderlusts, Returning only at dusk. Meanwhile, she basks topless; Her slick brown-grey skin Breathing with ease Under the unfiltered sunlight. She savors the scent of vacation While armies of pale Phantom-like crabs ooze From her pores - The tiny scavengers scuttling off At the arrival of the Black-winged stilts; Waders by the hundreds Strutting in hot pink Chopstick leggings - The evidential value Of her desirability imprinted With their delicate trails. Striving for nothing other than To be herself, She swells with pride; This hostess of a monumental Table of feasts and shelter, Her place in the cosmic scheme of things Affirmed. In his absence, She admires the unobscured Handiwork by the townfolks - This wall of oyster-crusted Bamboo stakes She wears like a necklace Across her broad neck - An amulet of sorts On the town's behalf, Warding off his voracious appetites When he returns in Undulating high spirits To the unremitting business Of landscape reshaping. In solidarity with the bamboo stakes, The mangrove colony upholds The town's concern; Its sprawling network of Aerial roots pamper Like massage over her scalp: All's well. Circulation's at its optimum. An exchange of sisterly confidences Ensues on this languid afternoon....