Sun Birds and Dragons Meet at A Liquor Store in East Los Angelessun birds follow the line of the building sun. sun birds go dream in the closing sun. i want to follow that closing light. under a feather of a thunderbird. the place of thinnest veils. the doors of great mystery. where the heat is ending. where the cold is beginning breath. where i have the tendency to quiver. where i want to fear that cold is not love. i know our names come home there. popul vuh's last stanza opening. i want to como home to this nest of words. spirals all the songs for takers to sing. let the daykeepers write theses songs again. without flesh and bone. let them re dream. somewhere on Malabar St. and Wabash Avenue Near the library books burning and the liquor store. the river of water. on the tip of the tongue. of desert dragons and the tip of golden light. of last sun.waiting for us to see all the birds of the sun. all the wings and water of the sun. Seed Song Of Usthe seeds and rocks of water in the heart of the sky trees rooting in the heart of the sun where make the home of us together with hands, with permission with songs dreaming in the desert blue stone diamond spinning red faced heart singer there is nothing left to hurl but tomorrow's seed straight into the heart of the earth and asked for water and sun seven arrows of heat to do away with this arrogance and ignorance of seven nations parted seven masses of people of this mother earth so we remember ourselves where we can reside and travel home seven sacred skins of her back where we can plant seeds, build with rock ladders and temples and a two legged warrior played a flute of her chest and warned and sang full of sunflowers "Doomed words, we are all full of light getting buried underneath the seeds of our ancestors. Do you remember all the songs you are made of? Do you remember where you really come from?" so this woven song we bleed and loom shooting orchid colors from our chests to the mouth of the sun to the womb of mother earth to seed water alive Shadows of a Sunbird On The Concretefall in there.
memories of golden fire wings. i could sing to you. until all this body dies. again. i don't have time. for a cosmic trip. i just want to wash these dishes. slam this pick against red earth. carve a home. carve with shovel. red snake home. sunbird. how do you dream. those melodies under your wings. the lightning in your eyes. the lightning in your screech. fall over there. in the memory of your gold. carve this over and over. until cottonwoods and widowmakers. cover your house of sky. cover this house in the heart of the sky heart of the earth how do you get all them. melodies under your wings. who cares how crazy i'll be. tomorrow. i just want to hold. this crazy. right now. before it these rays hit the pavement.
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