![]() John (“Jake” ) Cosmos Aller is a novelist, poet, and former Foreign Service officer having served 27 years with the U.S. State Department in ten countries - Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Korea, India, St Kitts, St Lucia, St Vincent, Spain and Thailand. and traveled to 45 countries during his career. Jake has been an aspiring novelist for several years and has completed two novels, (Giant Nazi Spiders, and the Great Divorce) and is pursuing publication. He has been writing poetry all his life and has published his poetry in electronic poetry forums, including All Poetry, Moon Café and Duane’s Poetree. (under the name Jake Lee). He is looking forward to transitioning to his third career – full-time novelist and poet after completing his second career as a Foreign Service officer, and his first career as an educator overseas for six years upon completion of his Peace Corps service in South Korea. END TIMES APPROACHING Early in the morning light While I was getting ready For the dawning day I looked in the mirror And saw Staring back at me A stranger An old man Weary of life And weary of game of life The old man stared at me And I realized That is who I had become The aches and pain of old age Have begun to creep up on me Unannounced, unwanted I have been desperate Like many middle aged Men To relive the glory days Of their youth And I find myself Wanting more and more And liking it less and less And I weary of the chase Weary of the game of life Wondering to myself Is this it Is this all that there is Will my life end this way? Nothing but fading memories Regrets at what might have been Sorrows for all the disappointment And hurts I have caused in my life And so I stare at this old man In the mirror on the wall And I wonder What is left in life for me? What more can I achieve Will I finish all the stories? In my heart and soul Will I write the Great American Novel? Or will that remain a mere pipe dream Will I publish my 10 thousand poems? Or will that too become nothing But delusions Will I end my career? Disappointed Having been passed up By my peers Not having measured up To the competition of life Always doomed To be second rate And I fear I fear The approaching end I know it is coming Death is waiting for me As it waits for all of us And I know I do not have much time Left in this world of ours Perhaps a few decades Perhaps a few years God forbid a few months or so And in that time I have only a little time To set things right In life To cast off my foolish ways To become the man, I should have been To finish the stories in my soul To tell the world the novels and stories To write down all my dreams To publish my 10 thousand poems To try to make a difference With every day In every way God has given me a second Chance I have cheated old man death 15 times And what have I done with that second chance Not much Wasted so much of my time And my life And so I stare at the old man In the mirror And all I want to do Is cry away The hurt the pain And wonder Where did it all go And when I die Will my life Have had any meaning at all Or will people remember me at all As my dust flies off into space Will my Life Have made any difference whatsoever Or will I be just another Foolish mortal With big dreams That turned out to be nothing But delusions The answer is out there But do I have the courage To seek the truth Do I have the courage? To keep up the fight Or will I become old Resigned, living in the past Waiting for Mr. death too come Knocking on my door And when I see the judgement day Will I be found wanting Will I be judged defective? Will I be condemned For all that I failed to accomplish And with these somber thoughts I end my morning ritual Ready to go face Another dismal day Another day of disappointment And day waiting for the end game To begin Enough no more I scream It is not fair My youth is gone And I fear the approaching Sounds of the end game OCTOBER BLUES Sitting in a bar In a pensive state Watching the sun set And the nightly madness begins As I drink My dismal, damned draft Dram of drunken dream desire I am drawn to memories Perhaps best left dead And buried deep inside My head Try as I might The memories come back To burden and haunt me And drive me to drink To seek forgiveness And solace for a moment The memories Of all the women I have lusted for And all the women I have loved in vain And the memories Flood my soul And I can’t let go No I cannot do so So I won’t forget And I can’t forgive myself Either For having feelings For other women And so it goes And I sit and drink And dream of what might Have been Nothing satisfies me And I am not satisfied With what I have Only wanting what I want And so I sit And cry in my beer Yet another Alcoholic pathetic Middle age loser man Bemoaning his lost youth As her surveys the room Checking out the young ladies Young enough to be his daughter Or his granddaughter And the beer does not lie It does not lie It sits there And stares back at him Giving no answers To his probing questions And so I drink To forget But I can’t forget And the beer does not console Anymore And grows cold As the night wears on So I sit Think and wonder And I have another And watch my thoughts Dance across the evening sky TRUTH DOES NOT MAKE SENSE One morning I got up Hungry For something I knew not what I made breakfast Drank some snarling coffee And turned on the news And what did I see Talking heads Sprouting lies Nonsense words Gibberish Nightmarish phrases Nothing makes sense Politicians Sporting forth Spinners spinning spin Huskers hustling their hustle Selling me a bunch of goods And I did not want to buy it I scream My soul was not for sale And I listened hard Looking for the truth Noting but lies Coming out of hideous beasts Barking words Noise some noises and lies Snarling disgusting lies I sit there Transfigured Hypnotized by the overwhelming Stench of the bull shit Coming out of the TV set I stood up Smashed the TV set With my boot Trying to set myself free From its hold on me Men in black suits Surround me Put me on black helicopters Taking me somewhere I scream to no avail No one listens to me Just more noise Coming out of the TV set And I go out Into the dark night I was told I was suffering From a disease I was insane I could not longer Understand What was being said To me I asked my tormentors What is the truth They laugh Smiled with evil grins On their bloated faces They begin to torture me Because they could Forcing me to watch The President speak Over and over again Again and again The same words Black is white White is black The President is always right Freedom is an illusion Lies make you free And it dawned on me And I laughed As I escaped the programming Of the universe And I was free Truth and lies Are the same Everything are nothing But dangerous delusions As I jump out of the window Into the night I vowed I would See the President In hell As I die I am free Good God almighty Free of their lies At last Kill the 20th Century CNN Proclaims itself the Millennium network. ABCNBCCBSFOXPACCNBCMSNBMS.COMAOLYAHOOEXCITEGOOGLEKTIMESBLOOMBERG All blend together in my mind Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! Nonstop Millennium madness Coming at me a million thoughts a second The future is coming, It is coming It is here It is now history Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! And so I woke up screaming Too much hype As I turn to the greatest philosophers The 20th century ever produced The Three Stooges come to the rescue Certainty! Come the answer None of us get out alive says Bugs Bunny the first Y2K bug And Charlie Brown, Poor old Charlie brown is retired From the baseball mound of life Replaced by DOGBERT/CATBERT AND RATBERT And Dilbert himself Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! And again I say to myself How to remember The last 100 years The late, great 20th Century Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! I loved the 20th Century Let me count the ways The beginning of the century While the war to end all wars occurred, The quiet slaughter of the Armenians took place Unnoticed by anyone Who cared about them anyway? Where is Armenia? Somewhere near Fresno? Why would anyone want to live in Fresno? Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! Lenin returned to Russia Financed they say by the evil capitalists Conspiracy To destroy capitalism In order to save it Lenin destroyed the old Russia Ancient, terrible, conservative Brutal, yet capable of sublime beauty And replaced it With an inefficient, gray soulless Bureaucracy of death, statistics and lies Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! Russia remains a broken down drunk Dreaming of great dreams One day one day soon! China, Great China Raped, beaten, divided up into dueling Spheres of influence Warlords emerged Communism trumped Outlawed the old Replaced it with the new Ended up becoming the old The Red Empire rose in the East Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! Hitler unites the Germans Starts the 1000 year Third Reich It lasts a few years Before Stalin starts the next round Of the endless great game Of global chess Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! Tokyo took over the east Defeated in war Reemerging decades later To challenge Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! The Great Satan Does not know he is the great Satan Thinks he is the Great Pumpkin Thinks the world loves him For his money The world does not care All they want is to be shown The money Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! The evil dance Continues and continues Money, Money Rules the world Art, beauty, love All of sale to the highest bidder The poor suffer Some get bought Others get sold Some blow things up Just for fun Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! And the world turns Does not care The world turns and turns And turns While these foolish creatures Rant and rave and kill and live And die God acts as if he has run away From the horrid hell that he has wrought Perhaps he has Perhaps the End times have come and gone But we don't know it. Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! Each day another 100 million people Are born to someday die Meanwhile Their shit accumulates And pollutes and kills And the world spins on and on Around the Sun And so the 20th century ends As it began Great illusions abound The new economy Endless prosperity Endless happiness End of history And other nonsense Fills the airwaves Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! And somewhere Another HITLERSTALINEMAO stands Ready to overthrow the world To create a new paradise on earth And hell for everyone who has to live in it Big Brother watches us all For profit Governments merely tools Of the Big Corporate Giants Who rule the world now Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! And like the Giant dinosaurs One day will be overthrown And to that end I finally say Good riddance to the 20th Century Quick shoot it put it out of its misery. Destroy the beast Before it wakes up and destroys us The 21st Century emerges From the dust of the destruction of the old older Perhaps wiser Perhaps better More like more of the same old stench of hell As the world turns And turns and turns Spinning around the Sun In the darkest deep despair Of Hell on earth Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! With that thought I turn off CNN And turn to the Three Stooges and ask Again What does it mean? Curly says Certainty And with that I wake up Face the sun And say 21st Century I am glad you are here Please shoot the last century And start a new And only laugher Comes across the Internet The laughter of the insane The world spins and spins and spins It's crazy way through hell And we live and die and hope and dream And pray to our gods for deliverance From evil The gods laugh and laugh and play on Who cares what happens to the little people? Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! Someday Someone will show the gods What happens when the little people Wake up And destroy the world In order to save it! The world shrugs and spins and spins and spins And CNN ABCNBCCBSFOXPACCNBCMSNBMS.COMAOLYAHOOEXCITEKTTIMESBLOOMBERGCNBCGOOGLE Blather on and on and on and on Shoot the bastard! Kill it! Keep the 20th century dead! MORNING THOUGHTS One morning While I sat drinking my coffee And bemoaning my fate My brain decided to fly away to the land of bliss As I sat Writing away my memoirs and dreams of love I noticed that my brain's tissue Had decided to take a vacation And was crawling down my nose And out of my ears Like some sort of cosmic mucus Down my slime encrusted back And out the windows of my soul I was of course Disturbed, I was perturbed, And until I realized That I had no right To tell my mind what to do So I sat down And played a game of checkers with my mind Till the entreaty of time passed me by Nothing but a piece of flotsam On the winds of the universe The walls fell down, the sky melted apart And I woke up and sat down And had an orgy with my mind.
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