Christina Murphy’s poetry is an exploration of consciousness as subjective experience, and her poems appear in numerous journals and anthologies, including, PANK, Dali’s Lovechild, and Hermeneutic Chaos Literary Journal, and the anthologies From the Roaring Deep: A Devotional in Honor of Poseidon and the Spirits of the Sea, The Great Gatsby Anthology, Let the Sea Find Its Edges, and Remaking Moby-Dick. Her work has been nominated multiples times for the Pushcart Prize and for the Best of the Net anthology. Before There Were Rebels Before there were rebels, there were prodigals; before there were prodigals, there were fathers; before there were fathers, there was God. Perhaps. Or maybe God was a conventionalist, not a prodigal, or a rebel, and only peripherally a father. Deciphering is the key because there is no way to know. So the mind plays with logic and the heart plays with need, and any of the three will work depending upon how it is one needs to see or understand stability or chaos. God the conventionalist would have created out of duty God the rebel would have created out of spite God the prodigal would have created to re-create a lost unity Seeing God as the conventionalist, it is easy to praise God’s work ethic. A lot was accomplished—beyond perhaps even God’s expectations Seeing God as the rebel gives one sympathy for those who feel angry at being in someone else’s world on someone else’s terms Seeing God as the prodigal makes one aware of transgressions and the desire to make amends by replacing a broken trust with a new world of second chances Seeing God as God lacks the human touch, which might be fine with God, but is too limiting for humans, who might wish to think of God as one of their own So perhaps God was none of these but just a child seeking to play in a world of no playmates, in a vast darkness before the Let there be light And God the child was a visionary, and the ideas became visions, which became the three-dimensional forms that humans came to know as reality Ah, the prodigal plays, the rebel fantasizes, and God the child mourns for companionship equal to God the child’s abilities and interests And everywhere, the Universe mourns for lack a North-Star God who is centered within the darkness and defined by light The world is a dream of perfection that falls from grace in every pensive moment of a human or God-like heart Rebel on, oh God, while prodigals you have created look for the way home in the bittersweet melancholy of stepping stones into stillness
Christina Murphy’s poetry is an exploration of consciousness as subjective experience, and her poems appear in numerous journals and anthologies, including, PANK, Dali’s Lovechild, and Hermeneutic Chaos Literary Journal, and the anthologies From the Roaring Deep: A Devotional in Honor of Poseidon and the Spirits of the Sea, The Great Gatsby Anthology, Let the Sea Find Its Edges, and Remaking Moby-Dick. Her work has been nominated multiples times for the Pushcart Prize and for the Best of the Net anthology. A TOWN WHERE THE MERMAID by Christina Murphy a town where the mermaid is a run-down bar and fishing nets hang on wooden walls, the sea nearby rocks in fragmented lights; the waves are reminders of change and temporality— nothing lasts beyond small motions not hearts or grains of sand, not even stars someday when infinity is exhausted and nothing remains to understand the silence INTERSECTIONS by Christina Murphy The order of things is the outer shell of stems & roots, waterfalls & bedrock opening into the softest sighs of patterns shaped by the intersections of evening light The grains of ocean sand are blossoming stairways, narrowly extending into a way of being, silently beautiful in all forms of light Concealed in clouds are the tears of the lost, the wrong turns, the sad choices—all hidden within the white shadows floating, like delicate smoke, across a deeply blue & motionless sky ALL THINGS CONTAINED BY ZERO by Christina Murphy
1. Hillsides in the blue haze of evening where intricate honeysuckle vines frame the melancholy of the sun’s diminishing heat Rippled water shines in silken layers, and all the world’s failings are revealed by the loneliness of each mooring of dreams in an endless sea All things contained by zero will be reshaped by the meanings held in one fragile moment-- night’s darkness approaching like the shadows Of moonlight on ancient waters, restless with currents as the graceful arc of gravity connects land and sky through a latticework of clouds and waves stirring 2. In light, in darkness, the world does not seem a globe but a surface layered with growth and diminishment and a circumference that defines what might have been Like the stones on eroded shores that, in twilight, look like angels seeking a way to speak to the heavens, the indifference is cold and deep, more silent than foreboding And only the tides—like blood—move through channels and bow down to the fate that holds infinity in its scope and reshapes the absence entwined within every moment |