Yuxing Xia is an author and poet who has been published in 10 different countries in journals and magazines such as Society of Classical Poets, Strong Verse, and many others. He hopes to retire to an ostrich farm. Rain Within the crest of a lasting rain, I held an umbrella hostage for a friend. I stood wide-eyed for several hours, waiting for a shadowy figure to emerge and greet me with a sigh of relief. I wondered if I (or my friend?) was at the wrong spot and we wasted time waiting for each other to reach the other, only to find ourselves lost inside the labyrinthine self. Backseat Take a spin around the block and let me know if you like the new car because it’s your birthday and I wanted to give you that pickup truck. Run through some mud and a few mail boxes, go opposite the one-way lanes and I will follow the trail of twigs and leftover paint to your home. As I savor this moment in the back seat, we will make new memories along the highways and floating dust, speeding under the cover of moonlight and bumper stickers. The moments we sacrifice along the journey of increasing velocity will not be lost once the brakes break. Colony Legions of time couldn’t fall when we crossed the colored seas, sailing with a creaky boat. Our heads were raised above the mast with salty air swelling our faces. We could twist that old raft in whichever direction we wanted jumping up and down. And the wear in the rudder was telling of our clumsiness. We knew the first sliver of land was going to be cooked and eaten, then stepped on and colonized.