James Croal Jackson lives in Columbus, Ohio. He spent a few years in Los Angeles working in the film industry, but now he releases electronic rap albums under the pseudonym 'Layzerus'. You can find some of his poems at jimjakk.com. Again For two weeks I bathed deep in the sweat of whiskey. Submerged vocals yawed to 3am caresses together, together. The silken bed turns itself over, its base an earthquake. Listerine breath hurls to vortex the two years of refraining from the holy riptide– how its arms reach and withdraw, reach and withdraw. You would drown in the salt of married shells, sheathe your crackled forearm in the tide's tattoo. You would let it embrace and clear your pearls. Thus begins the tide anew. The Photograph Was a Drunken Winter slackened falls into chaos: each plod a sobering imprint on snow buzzing cavernous hearts white honey swathes the air the dewdrop pale of her shirt, arms curved from the door in bent-seven candles, icicled waxen breath hissing this is the moment sculptured to ice: a future with gluey trees barren at night, tongues born licking telephone poles static moments stretched to angel hair feel like rare dreams caught in dim light Night Chill in the vacant living room our packed boxes never touched, black mold assumes the ceiling fan. it awakens every morning wanting to spin, to slice into the air with its fine blades a surgery of breathing and the chest waits for your steady palm to resuscitate those numb nights, when our billowed heat cooled our voluminous bits Arrival We were the hardwood floor. Cold squeaks, outstretched panther palm, red hand, expected the chlorine. Wax splashed baby oil eyes and it is citrus– cinnamon, acidic. Where we were wanted, the pitchfork path and jagged rim, this fungus crust metastasis, you twirl and twirl your index finger until it leaves. Pretzel we bend and fold to keep some memories alive we with our doughy cores– salty to the lick– rose and contracted, twisted into rope, into ebb and echo, ripples of the faintest caress, fingers forever indented on the crust