Robin Wyatt Dunn writes and teaches in Los Angeles. burnt out over the edge an ember over the sun burning luminous-- thrust fill and 'scape the earth ash whirl round and out: find out what where and who for everything you are the little man pursues his dream behind his screen of death shifting many things beneath his robe the cope the dope the rope the soap the terrible burden of love all colors and all mysteries are pasty white behind his eyes the dry and life shred easily sighing their way with them: hear me describe hear me enliven hear me divide his head from the screen: here, boy, let me tell you: it was a bad idea, this little dream come out and in this sin is nothing special just provincial this landscape knows no god and no device it's alive and with a woman he stems out to find the rule the sooner tool bray mound and roll the earning of the luck and the sterning of the fool into a warrior no use but reuse in the long bowl of the depression and no winning but through terror each your own come in, and sit down and be ready for the mull of the engines we bring you now surround break mask and fail take here the better staff to beat her in the district cold cartoon and fled: break the lost last and lust for better better better be I die the right king underneath this singing