Naushena is a poet, an early years teacher, a healer and a mother of three. She has been writing poems since her teens about the complexities of life and developed her passion over the years. Besides poetry, she writes essays and fiction too. Her work has appeared in Boston Literary Magazine, Mothers Always Write and is forthcoming in Mamalode. The Street Lamp Light At night had you passed by the spot Hope you could miss it not. The pole; tall, slender and old With a belly wrapped in gold. In winter serving as a lantern For travelers who to their home return. Shrouded by a sheet of mist But she would secretly peep through it. Few sat studying under the little lamp light To make their future prosperous and bright. Few burnt to death at her feet At last, they had accepted their defeat. Years passed, seasons went To give light, she was meant. Children’s play she had witnessed Not a sight had she missed. Now her body has bent low. No more does she glow But she’s happy with this even For she has become, a bird’s haven. My Shape Poem I Am old. They say, may be fifty. Nay, more. I say. My life’s a book Zealously preserved with all the events I have seen. A silent spectator, I have been of travelers, who stood under My shade in the Scorching heat when I played with the Sun, hide and seek. Who would Attempt to cast his rays upon them and I swayed to and fro, to protect them. I was A home of many birds, a quiet partner of children in their games, their favorite escondite. My long roots like the golden tresses of a woman were their swings. My coarse trunk, engraved With the names of lovers, is a testimony of their fleeting love. Here I am alone at the causeway Standing majestically, With open arms. Cut My boughs to light your Fire, if you want. After All, who can burn and Still give comfort? Here I stand unreservedly, To serve and I will, as Long as I am let by you. Last Time Last time, just last time, Embrace me, Just tell me that you are sorry. Sorry for disrespecting me, For abusing me, Tarnishing my image. With both hands, apologize Say that you should not have insulted me In front of others. Last time, confess that you did not regard me As a selfless soul Who walked along through thick and thin When others left. Who sold her possessions for you When you possessed nothing. Last time, just last time Admit that your words Pierced through my body And wounded my soul Leaving invisible marks That this self will always behold. Last time, kneel down and repent That you killed My love, my respect And my compassion for you, Only then, perhaps, I may forgive you.