Spring Melt Did you think your kiss could bring Back beauty to the Black-Eyed Susan? That the soft caress of your ever-hungry lips Could make the bruised apple innocent again? The weight of your smile shall not shatter My will to remember. I will not look to your soft eyes And hope that they have changed for good I know the storm will rage again In the quiet of our home where only I can hear You will tear at my sails and sink me down Down to where there is no thought but you I will take myself from the well where you wait For I know I will surely fall in, should I come close I will find one whose eyes do not leave bruises on my skin But touch me sweetly and melt my layer of ice If, such a one exists. Wet cell.I wish I would’ve trapped you in a poem While I still felt the same When the spent candle of that love Did burn bright flame As inhuman as the waves on the loam now free, lost I roam But still I smell your recent rain Closeness and Absence, left with disquieting tame Forever laying in our quiet home DrinkingI drink to sleep like the dead So the phantoms wouldn’t come I drink to calm the clamoring voices inside I drink and I take them home Not for love or lust, but so when they come I can face them I drink so I can stop being myself It must have been me who invited them in, who showed them Such a sweet vessel I drink so I can feel dead Each night I kill myself Socially acceptable suicide Yet, still they wait And I have to choose. Hell with them, or Hell with me. Blood Am I destined to be What is in my blood? I see your actions Rising in my boiling blood Breaking the surface and Scorching those close to me Still, these hands Don’t seem to be mine They pine for pain So i'll turn them to myself If im destined for blood I'll make sure I’m drained. It's nice to have options . Standing as my toes dangle
Of the sidewalk onto the street I like keeping my options open Each passing car an opportunity I wouldn’t do that to the driver though Still it’s a fun dream Like walking across a bridge Fantasizing the fall. Dreaming the death. But I'll keep my options open I’ll let cigarettes and alcohol Creep in as they are wont to do. The fall will happen, Is happening? Is bound to happen, Has to happen.
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