The writer from anywhere and everywhere is interested in social problems, civil liberties and political rights. Some works appeared in countercurrents, counterview, scarlet leaf review, leaves of ink and poemhunter and dissident voice ' Memes 'When space for expression becomes scarce Democratic system becomes farce, Then 'memes 'become medium To augment momentum Of society 's new 'modem' Of operation To disseminate information .... When there is little choice To raise collective voice Then memes are the outlet To pick-up the gauntlet And struggle against injustice Or any existing unwanted practice ... Memes are the alternative forces Reflecting social groups' realistic 'faces' That assist humanity move forward Leaving traditional thoughts backward...! The 'Distance' ....What is new When you advice people standing in a queue Maintain 'social ' distancing? Vigorously propagating That 'corona virus 'can be contained And its existence eliminated .... You have been practicing 'Distancing' for time quite long ... Poor have been distanced And so have been oppressed Upper castes separated Lower castes and castigated Them and 'quarantined' Mercilessly from times immemorial Kept aloof from political and social Dispensation And discussion Now, the disease Has spread to young and old Elites and paupers And vast number of innocents .... To keep your commercial interests afloat, Traveled far and wide on planes and many a boat Carrying the disease and infecting All those unaware of its presence and nature of infesting Anyone and everyone who came into contact Didn't know its deadly impact .... Elites and the super rich tycoons! You need 'social distancing ' from us -whom you treat as peons ! We were already socially distanced Our lives brutally exploited For your personal and professional gains Leaving us stranded with ugly disease strains ....! Silver liningPandemics Disasters Earthquakes Floods and droughts ..... Are not new to this world When dark clouds of despair engulfed Humans terrified And groped for a faint ray of light That would give them a slight Chance of relief .... They were given an inch But grabbed a mile Of knowledge And survived ..... Now, even in the midst of darkest clouds, They know that every cloud Has a silver lining of hope Which keeps existence possible And humanity moves Alongwith the earth Towards progress The unfinished journey |