![]() Renee Drummond-Brown is an accomplished poetess with experience in creative writing. She is a (Summa Cum Laude) graduate of Geneva College of Western Pennsylvania and The Center for Urban Biblical Ministry (CUBM). Renee’ is still in pursuit of excellence towards her mark for higher education. She is working on her fourth book and has numerous works published globally which can be seen in cubm.org/news, KWEE Magazine (Liberian L. Review), Leaves of Ink Magazine, New Pittsburgh Courier, Raven Cage Poetry and Prose Ezine Magazine, Realistic Poetry International, Scarlet Leaf Publishing House, SickLit Magazine, The Metro Gazette Publishing Company, Inc., Tuck, and Whispers Magazine just to name a few. Civil Rights Activist, Ms. Rutha Mae Harris, Original Freedom Singer of the Civil Rights Movement, was responsible for having Drummond-Brown’s very first poem published in the Metro Gazette Publishing Company, Inc., in Albany, GA. Renee’ also has poetry published in several anthologies and honorable mentions to her credit in various writing outlets. The Multicultural Student Services Office of Geneva College presented her with 2nd prize in the Undergraduate Essay Contest. Renee’ also won and/or placed in several poetry contests globally. She was Poet of the Month Winner in the prestigious Potpourri Poets/Artists Writing Community and in the running for Poet of the Year. She has even graced the cover of KWEE Magazine in the month of May, 2016. Her love for creative writing is undoubtedly displayed through her very unique style and her work solidifies her as a force to be reckoned with in the literary world of poetry. Renee’ is inspired by non-other than Dr. Maya Angelou, because of her, Renee’ posits “Still I write, I write, and I’ll write!” The Land of Milk and Honey
My brown mammary glands extend across the continents. Enlarged enough to feed the homeless. After-all This land ‘IZ’ red-man’s land or ‘WUZ’ thereof. The land of milk and honey are mere bosoms covering the breast of emotions and thought resembling a vaccine; protecting this quote-un-quote great AMERICAN DREAM. Well I too “have a dream” like a ‘King’ I’m infected with your scheme of things. Not that you care…but I too dreamt; a nation fed off of milk AND NOT my honey. Funny, but you dis me and my kids. Sheer reality, a loss cause of this great American dream not to include that chocolate Nesquik prelude amongst your scheme of your things. Centuries have come and past, but an enslaved soul, “made in china” LOL was ‘built’ to last Well I too “have a dream” like a ‘King’: we simply died crossing ‘YOUR’ Red Sea. Therefore, ‘The land’ of Milk and Honey can never satisfy me (Nor our children’s children to be). Dedicated to: The wet nurse. A B.A.D. poem Tom, Dick, Harry and John She struggles, for she knows not what she does. Excuse after excuse; “what had ‘happen’ ‘wuz’…. ‘Naw’ ‘cuz’~~~ The sins of the mother fall harder on the daughter, and her daughter, and her daughter and her daughter alike. Just like the kiss of death; but then again a kiss is just a kiss is just a kiss, but that’s not what they’re after. A hit or miss at its best. You guessed; pain before pleasure. Did someone mention lust ??? Maybe not. Momma entertains man after man. So, if she can do IT; so be it, her daughters can and so can her grans and so forth and so on~~~ Like Marvin Gaye’s 78 scratched “Let’s get it on” and on and on an on. After-all, them daddies been long gone in the wind. Therefore, every Tom, Dick and Harry is equivalent to a John’ Say it ain’t so? Yeah we know the deal and she knows for real. She definitely knows ??? Season’s come so, they won’t live on but the wild seed saturates her entrenched wound before the coming of the next sun which springs forth leaps and bound; rearing up every Tom, Dick Harry and John. Dedicated to: YOU’RE NOT THE FATHER! A B.A.D. poem 2017 A new day from whence we overcame. What if anything will ever change? Absolutely nothing! In fact life will resume just the same. We’ll lie we’ll cry we’ll cheat even make a New Year’s resolution sheet; tuck it away, an’ sing some of the very same ol’ same in 1918. What a shame a new year. Auld Lang Syne waisted time gone by a different day without a shadow of a doubt the same ol’ same ol’ game. Dedicated to: Anew un-Happy New Year! A B.A.D. poem Trouble in My Way; I ‘Gotta’ Cry Sometime Us black women know ‘bout’ trouble. No one hears our faintest cries. Nor answers us by and by. In fact, we come under ALL MANNER of everyone’s attack. After attack after attack. But, we press on, burying our sons after son after sons. And yet, still yet, with a smile we give good measure pressed down shaken fold together. And still yet, who cares bout any o’ that? We’re to have absolutely no feelings at all. Cause Maya said “we rise” “we rise” “we rise” but I say “we fall” “we fall” “we fell” from grace; sheer disgrace. What happened to the black woman? What has she become? She breast fed a nation AND FORGOT to feed her very own!!! All that’s left is a ‘breastless’ mother with an empty chest. But remember “we rise” “we rise” “we rise”. BUT FOR WHAT? No one’s even there to catch us. Nor do they care when ‘WE’ fall. Lest we forget. Shadrach, Meshach and a B.A.D. Negro; WE WAS THERE WITH YOU in that fiery furnace ALSO. DON’T YOU THINK a black woman don’t know. Although a skeleton; one thing for sure two for certain, we know we know we know how to eat us some crow and we ALSO know ‘bout’ troubles, THIS FOR CERTAIN I DO KNOW! Dedicated to: B.A.D. I knew all about your troubles; I had to cry sometimes. A B.A.D. poem She Went Forth To and Fro That black bird couldn’t land, to pluck her olive leaf cause she foresaw in “The Red Sea” The Black Holocaust intended for our history. Not the doves, but hers (you see) according to Thee. Where’s her pride? She mislaid it somewhere washed away at sea. Now she wonders to and fro featherless wings; away from herself and even from me. Dedicated to: “And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth” (Genesis 8:7 KJV). A B.A.D. poem
3/1/2017 12:57:34 am
Renee wonderful
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