![]() Rony Nair works as an oil and gas Risk Management consultant. He’s been 20 years in the industry since starting off as an Industrial engineer a long time ago. Extensively traveled. Dangers fronted often. But that’s his day job. The one that pays for bread and bills. He’s been a worshipper at the altar of prose and poetry for almost as long as he could think. They have been the shadows of his life. (They’ve been) the bedsit at the end of a long day; the repository that does the sound of silence inimitably well. Not unlike a pet; but with one core difference- the books do suggest, educate and weave a texture that marginally provides streams of thought that are new. And one of the biggest pleasures of his life, is certainly holding a treasured edition in one’s hands. Physically. Rony’s been writing poetry since 1985 and was a published columnist with the Indian Express in the early 1990’s. He is also a professional photographer about to hold his first major exhibition and has previously been published by New Asian Writing (NAW), Semaphore, The Cadet, The Economic Times and YES magazine. Rony has been profiled by the Economic Times of Delhi. He cites V.S Naipaul, A.J Cronin, Patrick Hamilton, Alan Sillitoe, John Braine and Nevil Shute in addition to FS Fitzgerald as influences on his life; and Philip Larkin, Dom Moraes and Ted Hughes as his personal poetry idols. Larkin’s’ collected poems would be the one book he would like to die with. When the poems perish. As do the thoughts! ![]() FLICKS AT 41 by Rony Nair flicks at 41 lean to the side as a bat swing takes you away for that moment when you forget that ache, the finality of the rejection, the turning away. the urge to seek the toilet seat and retch as the ball comes into view again and the bat swings at your 3d head and misses where you hope it’d hit and India sneak a rare win. as then the ache hits you. Blocked on LinkedIn too. i mean, your enemies wouldn't bother. She would. ![]() USE AND THROW by Rony Nair there's always the wait, in connections, that have turned away. Redundant, in a global age. where you're drawn closer, and then spat out. like the gutter. the vomit a guilty pleasure to use. And throw. it is always the one who discards, that is loved. ![]() BATTERIES by Rony Nair would transitory memory be better or batter for the actuate the real. who remembers places revisited other than the emotional spike of it all when you glimpse a letter or trail that leads me back to where it all began round a culvert inside a bend with you on one side and at the other side, The end. ![]() TOTEM POLES AND BIRD SANCTUARIES by Rony Nair the old totem poles an imagined sanctuary. the birds still know it all. the views from the station look like that day. your favorite corner was rancid. Alone. Extant. I remembered the tale the movie “chamatkaar” take an actress saying no when she meant yes. the only question then, was when! the birds could look after themselves. It’s different now the same birds stay on. They linger. They rub it in. The birds still give me the bird. And you are of course, long gone.
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