![]() Pat Raia is a veteran journalist who covers crime, politics and animal welfare. She is also a lifelong poet. BrothersWe betray each other a thousand ways each day with jealousy and inequity and uninvited judgments so we do what we have to do to justify our wrongs in the eyes of our fathers for the sake of our sons. The CreatorI wanted roots so I invented them from other people's stories I wanted wings so I made them from paper scraps and string I conjugated a million verbs to tell my own life story and I witnessed things that frighten you especially when you sleep Now you want to be me and it makes me laugh - I don't think you've saved enough broken string for that I amI have been the angel of death and a warrior for life I have stood on the edge of nightfall and kept my balance there I've believed in the dreams of thousands who had no dreams of their own now the journey of my lifetime has brought me home at last We areWe are
all connected to the generagions past like droplets from a wellspring like particles of light we know the things our ancients knew in minute detail which we must spend our own lifetimes trying to remember
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![]() Anurag Sharma, a 48-year old graduate, lives in New Delhi, India and works as technical sales person Live near to my heart Daily morning in my life I get ready with new rise My heart saying to my sole Now get ready for new fight View new dream Start your search For someone unseen May be dream goes alive She will make appear in life Feel new zeal awake the sole Touch fresh breathe Look her dream This is not love of one side Love is inspiration of god God is making you ready She is a true imagination Live near to my heart Enjoying sunrise A dream says I want to grow A bird says I want to fly Both are wanted to spread wings And want to touch highest height Heart and deep thought Want to sing a song While happiness touch inside Melody spread all-round me And view of a new sunrise Everything feels pleasant Everything feels so nice Whole world welcome my view What now I need from my life When I am hearing voice of real love My every dream goes accomplished And my life enjoying sunrise Be always alive When growing day
Open his eyes And greedy sun Want her view And look into her house window With the great hope To spend whole day with her While sun rays penetrate her window Slowly she opens her eyes To meet with the world To meet with growing rise And started to take bath in golden rays And spread fragrance of her In flowering flower In flowing waves Her magical beauty Create magical dream And a massage for every lover Enjoy every moment of life And be always alive ![]() KR Pendergrass is a career paramedic, devoted wife, homeschool mom, and part-time member of the justice league. Also the author of the short novel Incompatible With Life, and multiple short stories. Trying to establish a freelance writing career in addition to all that is tough, but if it's easy, it's not worth doing! Whispers to St. Michael Scars and miles and years and ghosts have made me who I am
Fierce as an alpha wolf when called, still gentle as a lamb I've washed too much blood away to be innocent again But it still tears me up inside to see another's pain Fear and tears have left their mark on who I have become I can no longer see the way back where I came from It's a calling and a love and a burden and a load To have a name for the crosses on the side of the road All the time and sleepless nights spent out in the field Sometimes I have to be a sword when I long to be a shield Still I will stand true to the battle I've been called And I'll hold my ground til in the battle I will fall ![]() Michael is a retired, due to Parkinson's, Fire Alarm Inspector. He's been writing poetry since college, where he started a literary magazine and he's since published in various e magazines - still writing - having fun Road SongThe abundance of space and beauty and time The structure of life fades into our minds You know it's your world when you know this is real There's nothing to hide and nothing to steal To ride through the desert - a narrow road thrill A place void of jetlag silent and still Viewing a painting - focused on theme Not seeing the background - lost in a dream Like glittering glass that goes unseen 'cause it's not quite as pretty as tourmaline But the glass has it's beauty like the old Mother Road A dream that comes true not bought and not sold Like the fantastic fury of silent red rocks Where the wind says don't sleep And the sun sets don't quit Condors and roadrunners are part of this trip Tenderfoot eyes perceive it as stark Warriors know their spirits have felt Each mile in their minds and under their belts Silently begging to continue the trip With no destination on Route 66. TagSkipping a flat stone on a still water lake creating tiny circles that soon disappear the stone silently sinks and I am silent too and sinking the tiny circles I have createdd will disappear with me A life that touches others becomes passed on like a game of tag "you're it" Savor the moment of being it breath in life and whatever movements of this symphony can be played My tremored hand reaches to touch you - you're it is all I want to say. Instructions in the WindA father is never the same
when the children become adults. I imagine myself in a greenhouse writing a poem at 3:00 am assembling the parts like a swing set. The instruction sheet lost in the wind. The flowers obstructed. Now I hear drums like the drums at 6:30 am on Patriots Day before the parade. Minutemen on horseback re-enact a revolutionary spirit. A time from my childhood that I never shared, it is falling from me like a leaf shed from a tree. ![]() Angel Edwards first book of poetry "Tales In The Dreams Garden" was published by Silver Bow Publishing on July 29 2018. Her second book of poetry "Lust Unfiltered By Love " was acquisitioned by Silver Bow Publishing in October 2018 and will be published in November 2018 More of Our Canada featured Angel's story "Cat Queen " in the November issue Angel is forming a rock band to continue to record and perform her original music with high hopes of international success http://www.reverbnation.com/angeledwards Richard DeVall is the author of Old Letters and New Demons and Pablo’s Apprentice. An excerpt of Old Letters and New Demons was published in the December issue of RumbleFish Press Magazine. Hepatitis CPregnant Girls Smoking
Orphaned wales floating A bag filled with freshly sprayed silver paint was glued to your passed out face And now years later – after the linen tux – and shiny trucks – you rewrote history – without the spray The kids today – the black lives matter – the anti-Trump chatter - it’s all rubbing you the wrong way You’re now bathed in the blood Certain of the path – a shiny new past – those needle point - stitched tales – shredded and tossed and now look at you - you’re cloaked in all those sweat filled hours – a childhood marked and sealed by hard work and no complaining – forget the fact you married well – you did it all, and all you tell, is something vague with little depth in your explaining Behind you – those millennial kids you had with your second wife roll their eyes – at Thanksgiving they try to be polite and hide all the things that they despise Pass the gravy – and deep inside will Jesus save me? You’re nearing the gate – you’re in the queue – closer to the edge – remember your pills and forget those long ago forgotten thrills – that wasn’t you that guy I knew Who are we really - when we run from our past so fast we’re reeling It’s the part of us - that was not so smart of us - and yet it was so cool -to not care - because death was not everywhere and so far away it wasn’t there Now it’s wise to exercise and those who don’t or won’t or can’t turn to fat and you mustn’t shame that Everyone gets a prize - it’s so clean and nice and sterilized And the earth we ruined with all our smoke and acid and chemicals is getting pissed But profits – you believe in the bottom line – count every dime - that third quarter can’t be missed You won’t see him hug a tree – he’s photographing, with his phone,everything he owns - he’s so vigilant to document all of it – but the picture he sends, to outer space, is of a face, before time had had its way – a face I remember- and one I knew - when we used to play with silver paint in paper bags and sometimes glue ![]() Since retiring from a career in pharmaceutical research and management, Beatrice Abrams, Ph.D., has exercised the more creative side of her brain. An active creative writing group and poetry writing seminar member, she writes poems as a means of exploring the world and is completing a memoir-based novel on a Jewish family’s experience in Vichy France during World War II. Beatrice participates in volunteer efforts in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, [where she resides,] and sits on the executive board of Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon, and Warren Counties and the board of the Institute of Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Raritan Valley Community College. Her poetry has appeared in Poetry Potion. Speck in the Edifice – A Memoire I was there as history moved across the stage, in the audience squirming in my seat. Scenes advanced into acts, actors read their lines, and directors waved in ever escalating change. Sather Gate shuddered and Sproul Hall quailed as smoldering hordes of students gathered in Berkeley to protest the lives they had known. I watched, I listened, I worked. Maniacal marksmen assassinated hope, crafting a cult of bellicosity. I watched, I listened, I cried. I heard a quiet voice declare a salacious strike, shoring up our dominos. Sitting at the game table I watched as chips tumbled, bombs fell, monks burned and children cried. Morality battled in streets, on busses, at lunch counters, as humans sacrificed and humanity tried to evolve. I watched, I burned, I balloted. What was I in this chain of history? I was no clasp, holding the links together but a link itself, holding tightly to myself, entwined with others, lying against a heaving breast - a small piece, not standing apart. These were times of change, discovery and renewal. Opportunity blossomed for those who could wade through odorous swamps, and I was nearby breathing in the fragrances of the times. I purified proteins and developed drugs. I peered through opaque windows into the soft and elegant offices of the elite. I etched my way deeply into those restricted spheres, never breaking through the glass. I worked, I fought, I learned, I taught. Now I sit buffeted by the present, balanced precariously on the pedestal of my past. My being isn’t measured in the world at large, but within the tiny neighborhood of my lifetime. It isn’t found speeding across multilayered interchanges. My being advances modestly on solitary bridges that connect intersecting paths to support and reinforce undulating lives that rush by. I am a speck in the edifice of existence —my shape coming into focus only in that corner of the life I share with others, building an identity brick by brick, building the world person by person. Dissipated Dreams |