![]() Katie Hurwitz is currently a high school senior in New England. She plans to go to a liberal arts college to study elementary education, creative writing, and cello performance. She is currently the president of her high school's Creative Writing Club and Online Managing Editor and Arts & Entertainment Editor for her school's newspaper, The Rebellion. Box in a Cyclone I want to lay supine against the grass The blades tickling my face And reach my arm up to the sky My arm like a tree Would grow Stretch upwards Without a child’s growing pains My arm would be a pole of flesh Reaching up I could pet the clouds Hold an eagle on my wrist Brush against the leaves of the tallest canopies Snap my fingers miles apart In the air above me While staying put soundly On the tickling green blades of grass I do not want to take my other senses along I am blind on my journey Only through touch can I explore I knock on the door to the ozone layer Waiting for God to hear For Him to let my arm in Through the thin, ethereal layer My arm goes from the sweet light blue skies To the dark, reflective night I’ll touch the stars Feel their scintillating shock I’ll play catch with holdable planets I’ll graze through the sun Collecting trinkets from worlds unknown And give them to you I want to be you Just for a moment To see how I look To you When I give you the world I want to be a master of time Given the power to With the blink of an eye Stop time for just one moment Everyone, everything Stuck in time Molded like ice So I being your spirit And you being my command Could at last Be one I want this time of sheer power To never end Everything still Everything just I want to lay forever On the green lever to start time back You and I Can live in the now forever I don’t want To travel to the past Taste the wines of nineteenth century France Fight the Visigoth with brave warriors I don’t want To be in the future See technology brighter than the stars Shake hands with the final president I want you and me To be one In a fictional land of one tactile sense With our other senses in reality Conscious Scab Conscious Scab on the knee Dear, the unconscious is The oozing Liquid The volcano Red hot lava Stories deep as The burning pit Black dust Of rocks that were once Truths untold Secrets hidden Love buried by the scab Dear, if you shall set the scab free Pick the red Crust Blood Stories Cherry red with stories Bubbling free The exposed liquid Infected Unlike hidden life Crimson Under warmth of consciousness Empty Basket Lull me down the stem
Weave me Into a basket Nothing inside Speak to me In cursive Melt your sentences Into one word Your words into pitches Simple oblivion Fold the paper of Your song Into your skin Watch Lullabies into soil