Pat Raia is a veteran journalist who covers crime, politics and animal welfare. She is also a lifelong poet. BrothersWe betray each other a thousand ways each day with jealousy and inequity and uninvited judgments so we do what we have to do to justify our wrongs in the eyes of our fathers for the sake of our sons. The CreatorI wanted roots so I invented them from other people's stories I wanted wings so I made them from paper scraps and string I conjugated a million verbs to tell my own life story and I witnessed things that frighten you especially when you sleep Now you want to be me and it makes me laugh - I don't think you've saved enough broken string for that I amI have been the angel of death and a warrior for life I have stood on the edge of nightfall and kept my balance there I've believed in the dreams of thousands who had no dreams of their own now the journey of my lifetime has brought me home at last We areWe are
all connected to the generagions past like droplets from a wellspring like particles of light we know the things our ancients knew in minute detail which we must spend our own lifetimes trying to remember
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