David I Mayerhoff is an emerging writer while being a practicing physician and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry. His areas of specialty are in Graduate Medical Education, the chronic mentally ill, and academic research with a focus on the heterogeneity of schizophrenia disorders. Selected poetry of his can be found at drsyke.wordpress.com, allpoetry.com, as well as published selections at PoetryBay/ Long Island Quarterly, the Paragon Journal, GNU and elsewhere. The Dalliance Of NightSoft castles of merry rush past lights of sparkle All in elegant best speaking nothings into candlelight of potential Small talk tunnels to offer the musings of today into industry of tomorrow Pastel colored cloth matching decor of background unnoticed but peopled by all Far away from politics of the day distant from daily mundane and yesterday's boring A place where all seeking directions to CountercurrentsMoving with the wind natural and effortless Moving against the grain painful and laborious All laugh at folly of interloper His bravado unappreciated initiative seen as foolishness Sheep herded into cattle car of despair following what they feel ignoring what they see Time for jelled pudding mushed over into kitchen of addiction Grazing on fanfare of the day and mass hysteria of night Herd brushes against other wool of garments confused why the one is not eating their fare and dancing to the rhythm of their music Unity of purpose stronger with diversity of voices speaking as one Weakened by speaking as one when only one voice is found Standing For SomethingStanding for nothing is quite the something It is so pervasive that it appears to be the only thing Standing for something is like nothing for that is how you will be made to feel Rewards of a nice pie drive merriment to distraction As the engines of production grind to a halt in the joke of non- substance Bring meat to the table the vegetarian will not eat Bring substance to the discourse all will help themselves and gorge on the calories of depth and advancement The LibraryLoud hoots
punctuated by burps and bellows of colonic air suffused the library Everyone looked at his fellow for approbation and found it except for one by the table who obeyed decorum alone Collectively they perceived him as extremely rude